In a virtually unknown city called Sweetwater, a huge new - TopicsExpress


In a virtually unknown city called Sweetwater, a huge new discovery is about to be made; a place where two brothers and their friend tap into and explore the unknown. These three modern day explorers uncover a monumental secret that was to remain so for years to come. This is the story about a man named Sandy and his brother Randy, and their friend Danny. “Hello Randy, Sandy here, tonight is an excellent night for a test of our equipment, and our theory. Our equipment will be given a final test run tonight before firing it up to see what happens. We’re ready for our E.O.C.E. or experimental operational culmination exercise. Can you come over tonight”? “Sure. I wouldn’t miss this night for all the gold in Ft. Knox. I’ll be there as soon as supper is over. It looks like we’re about ready to eat now, and wow Margaret has really out done herself on this dinner. It looks more like one of those holiday dinners. She probably cooked all day. I am sure that Margaret would like to come over to visit with Alice. We’ll be over in about an hour”. Randy replies. “See you in about an hour Randy”, Sandy hangs up the phone. Randy and Margaret get into the car as Randy reaches for the microphone attached to his citizen band mobile radio. “San the man, are you out there”? “Ten four go ahead Randy” replies Sandy.. “Margaret and I are on our why now. Wow, it is really super quiet on channel 1-9 tonight Sandy. See you in a few minutes, Randy over out” “Ok Randy. However it’s going to be at least three hours on this first exercise Sandy out”. Breaker, breaker 1-9, come on in there Charlie Brown, this is 7Q double zero 79 Danny here come on, over. Charlie Brown was Randy’s CB handle that was known by just about everyone. Go ahead 7Qdouble zero 79, Charlie Brown here, over. “I am on my way Randy and Sandy. We just finished our quartet practice at the church. Man was I belting out those notes tonight. Great practice! Hey Randy, I’m right behind you old man, Danny over, and out. Danny always called Randy old man since Randy was one day his elder. “Margaret and I are just now pulling in Sandy, Randy over out”. “Yo, 7Qdouble zero 79 is at your door Sandy, Danny over and out”. Sandy greets them: “Good evening Margaret and Randy, and Danny, come on in”, Sandy response. Alice is in the living room Margaret. Randy, and Danny, we must seize the moment here tonight to test our space splitter. We will do a complete check of all devices before bringing everything online. Once we’re comfortable with the test numbers we’ll run our first exercise. There could arise some minor issues during this test and that would make for a much longer evening. Danny, like we rehearsed before, you’re in-charge of our control room. We’ll be able to video conference with you from the two cubicles. “Copy that Sandy, I’m on my way to the control room now. I did tell the wife we might run a little longer on this exercise.” Sandy looks over at Randy; “Did you tell Margaret we could be a little later finishing up tonight? “Yes, you bet Sandy, I did mention to Margaret that we could run longer on this project of ours. However I hope everything will come off without a hitch tonight. “ “Me too! Randy, could you dim those overhead lights while I turn on the camjector and recorder”. Sandy begins to adjust the camjector as it begins to light up the Smart Board. “You got it. Now what kind of projector have you built for the QC department Sandy,” asks Randy? Sandy begins to explain. “It’s actually a combination digital camera with a built in projector that has 3D holographic imaging. All these images will be sent to the 84 inch Smart board as you’re seeing now. Let’s put circuit board A1 in front of the camera eye.” “Wow, what a truly stunning image and it is like it is hanging in midair Sandy” “truly remarkable Randy replies”. “Precisely the result I want Randy”, Sandy remarks. The results on the Smart Board are very eye catching wouldn’t you say”? “Bodacious” Randy replies. . Sandy begins to move the circuit board. “You can actually pivot this circuit board at any angle with sharp picture results. We can click this button here on the camera for snap shots while we continue to do video streaming”. “Just what should we be looking for Sandy?” Randy asked. “We must make certain that there are no shunts, cold soldering points, and no breaks in the circuit. We must be sure that these boards will plug in to one another without difficulty. Finally; we need to make certain that our components are good, and that will come when we plug the unification converter into the wall outlet”. Stanley then plugs the unification converter into the wall. “So far it is looking good San”, Randy responds. “Yes, I believe we’re just about ready to give our hard work and theory an actual test. Are you ready to run our first exercise Randy”, ask Sandy. “Sure Sandy, let’s do this thing,” Randy quickly replies’. “Okay”, Sandy begins to take on a deepened, intensified voice: “Let’s put on the electrodes, dun our helmets, and take our seats Randy. First thing, I need to make certain that Danny is ready to monitor us from the other room. Danny, we’re ready to go here. Are you ready on your end”? “Ready”! Danny quickly acknowledges Sandy. “You and the old man have a nice trip. If you need to come back quickly, I am ready to hit this red abort button on the console”. “Here we go” Sandy booms out,” power on, space splitter in rotation, lasers are now coming online, Q Crystal is oscillating, merging our brain waves with hydrogen maser wave. Electromagnetic containment field is now coming online. Looping plasma ion field appearing. Subliminal player is now active. Randy, we’ve got to focus on our targets. We must allow the mind to drift with complete relaxation”. Twenty five minutes have gone by and a very mysterious, greyish fog begins to appear with a visible opening at the center of the space splitter. Danny in the control room begins to ratchet up the gain control on the bright white maser light now entering the fracture at the nexus of the space splitter. The white maser light becomes more intense with every second. Suddenly an Island like land mass starts to appear. As Sandy and Randy approach this unidentifiable land mass they begin to see silhouette like figures moving about. Their target was actually the subliminal image, the continent of Atlantis. Their secondary image was one of choice, one that each felt the most relaxing. As soon as the fissure began to appear an increase in the rapid eye movement in Sandy and Randy became noticeable. At nearly the same time ripples appearing on the oscilloscopes begin to surge rapidly. Within a few minutes an image begins to materialize. Some five minutes later the image began to take on the appearance of an Island in the middle of what appeared as an infinite ocean. Huge mega structures became visible. Buildings of enormous size seem to cover much of this mysterious island. As the island came into closer view, Danny, stirring with fixed eyes on the now clearly defined image dropped his bottom jaw and became Awe struck by what he was seeing. “It is the mythical Continent of Atlantis Danny mumbles, my God it is Atlantis but where, where?” Impulsively Danny turns on his QSL locator/Identifier. Just as soon as these images appeared Danny saw that Sandy and Randy’s subconscious minds had totally merged with the subliminal target according to the scope that monitors the dual wave patterns. Both waves had become one, peaking at a higher level. The rapid eye movement became more vigorous than ever. Now nearly an hour into AVAR, (audio, video approach revealer) a shadowy figure has been talking to Sandy and Randy. Much is being said but only discernible by trying to read the lips of the speaker. Quickly, as the hour hand strikes all active switches begin to shut down without Danny’s help. At the same time lights in cubical one and two go to their full luminosity. Both travelers exit their cubical housings and head over to Danny in the control room. As they enter, the recorder begins to buzz with activity as Danny switches on the advance recorder and motion decipher. He knows that any lip motion will readily be put into words. The shadowy figure begins to appear, while the decipher begins to respond to lip motion with a mechanical voice. “Welcome, my name is Eli, Envoy to Echo Island. I am certain that you’ve many questions. What your eyes see is real enough but you’ll have no memories of this visit until your final days on your orb called Earth. Come quickly, follow me. Allow your minds to form a nexus with my own. Do not be afraid, for you hear me through the portals of your mind. Much is to be told to you. For now, you must wait until the time is right. Come, tarry with me awhile as I take you on a journey of our paradise called Echo Island. During this jaunt you’ll see many reminders of our history. However, this brief visit must suffice for now. You cannot mind melt with mine for more than an hour. You must return to your world by the time the hour approaches. ‘ Envoy Eli continues to talk, ‘Echo Island is a divine testimonial of pure, unblemished love. There, read the long ago story how we came to this Island.” Sandy and Randy behold the most alluring, engaging and indeed most beautiful monolith ever seen. Eli begins to read the inscription, “Some three billion years ago, in one moment, the first glance by Prince Warbler at the beaming beauty of Princess Zulia would capture his heart for all eternity. He knew that it was love at first sight when he could see the cosmos in her eyes and her eyes everywhere about him. He felt the warm blaze of the flame of love at that very moment. Her warm smile began to melt his heart and capture his very soul. This story has its genesis on the Planet Mars, the Roman God of War. This was the seedbed of the Nation of Warable and Zulite. This is a wellspring of a love story whose roots penetrate the vastness of eternity. It was this love that carried the Princess and Prince to two different worlds” continues Envoy Eli. Much more will be told in future visits.” “Randy, and Stanley, look over this way” Eli implores. “I am sure you’ll find this plaque on this building here of upmost interest”. “Hold on there Mr. Envoy or Mr. Eli or whomever you are” Randy interjects. “Just how is it you know our names”? “We knew of your work for quite some time gentlemen. It was in the early stages of your research that we learned each of your names. All of us here on Echo Island can read your every thought, past as well as present. As Envoy for our Nation it is my duty to greet and, when necessary to closely monitor the actions of other civilizations throughout the universe. Gentlemen, again I ask that you cast your eyes on the plaque that is shackled to this very old building”. Sandy and Randy begin to examine what appeared to be a very ancient looking plaque. Envoy Eli with little hesitation begins to enunciate the weather beaten words on the plaque. (“Here stands the last vestige of a great civilization. Herein is the last echo, the last remains of the Great Atlantis, once a thriving civilization on Planet Earth. Hither structure was the first to be built by Prince Warbler as a tribute and monument to his bride, Princess Zulia. The decedents of Prince Warbler and Princess Zulia became known as the Atlanteans and the guardians of this Castle.) Gentlemen, this enormous Castle was brought here by teleportation. This concludes are commute for today. Your hour is nigh and you must return home while you still can. Remember Sandy and Randy you’ve opened the door, commenced a very delicate link to our world and that door will remain open for future visitations. Come often; learn of our world, for you will be learning more about your own. I bid you Farewell until your next visit gentlemen. Valete, valete
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 03:41:57 +0000

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