In addition to declaring economic war on Russia, attempting to - TopicsExpress


In addition to declaring economic war on Russia, attempting to cripple the largest exporter of natural gas in the world, and arming a fanatical clique of fascists in Kiev, S.2828, dubbed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, dusts off a Cold War relic. The final paragraph of a summary of S.2828 states: Directs the Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors to submit to Congress a plan for increasing the quantity of Russian-language broadcasting into the countries of the former Soviet Union in order to counter Russian Federation propaganda. Requires such plan to prioritize broadcasting into Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova by the Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. CIA Relics of the Cold War Dusted Off Following the Second World War the CIA, the U.S. State Department, the Pentagon, and the Office of Policy Coordination (a CIA covert psychological operations and paramilitary action organization) organized Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) to operate as a “catalytic agent” to disseminate propaganda inside the Soviet Union. The radio transmissions were part of a “political warfare”effort engineered by George F. Kennan, a member of the so-called “Wise Men,” a coterie globalist insiders responsible for the Marshall Plan, the World Bank and NATO. In October, the AFP reported: A quarter century after it helped topple totalitarian Communist regimes in eastern Europe, the US-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is duelling Moscow again, this time in a media war over the Ukraine crisis. This “media war,” what Kennan deemed “political warfare,” is once again a priority. It will serve as the propaganda component of a stepped-up campaign that now includes military and “defense” assistance to the regime in Kiev, a State Department orchestrated regime that has thus far managed to kill 4,634 people and displace more than a half million civilians. Passage of U.S. Measure May Result in “Preemptive” Russian Strike in Ukraine In response to the Senate bill and the decision to send arms to the government in Kiev, Mikhail Yemelyanov of the Fair Russia party said on Friday the move may result in “adequate measures” by Russia, including sending the Russian military into Ukraine. “The decision of the US Senate is extremely dangerous. If it is supported by the House of Representatives and signed by their president, Russia must reply with adequate measures,” Yemelyanov said. “It is quite possible that we should return to the decision by our Upper House and give the Russian president an opportunity to use military force on Ukrainian territory preemptively. We should not wait until Ukraine is armed and becomes really dangerous.”
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:41:26 +0000

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