In addition to the Israeli initiative I proposed a couple of days - TopicsExpress


In addition to the Israeli initiative I proposed a couple of days ago - I have also converted the proposal into a US Initiative - this is what it could look like: US Initiative for Security, Stability, & Peace Gershon Baskin The United States should present a comprehensive initiative including security, political and economic parameters to address the core problems of the current crisis and what has led to it. The basic idea here is that the only way to demilitarize Gaza is to ensure that Gaza will become part and parcel of a free State of Palestine within an agreement with Israel that ends the occupation. Hamas will likely object to this initiative, but the people of Gaza and of Palestine will support it. The adoption of the Arab Peace Initiative as the basis for this plan enables the moderate Arab states to join with Israel and Palestine in creating security, stability and peace. Arab states, led by the Palestinian Authority will be able to demilitarize Gaza within this framework with international backing and support because it is what will lead to the end of Israel’s occupation and the creation of a free state of Palestine next to Israel resulting from bilateral Israeli Palestinian negotiations. Free and democratic elections in Palestine should take place at the earliest possible date when security and stability is restored in Gaza. Both Israel and Palestine will bring the peace agreement reached between them to a referendum of their people to ensure maximum democratic support of the two peoples. The following are steps that the United States proposes to advance the creation of security, stability and peace between Israel the Palestinians and their neighbors. The United States believes that in taking such steps, with great risks, Israel, the Palestinians and their neighbors should also be willing to take steps to reach the common goals of security, stability and peace that may have been unthinkable in the past. • An immediate ceasefire will go in effect at the agreed set time. The United States and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt guarantee the implementation of the ceasefire. • The United States proposes that Government of Israel announce that it accepts the Arab Peace Initiative from March 2002 as the basis for security, stability and peace between Israel and all of its neighbors. In view of the remarks of Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud in Haaretz newspaper on July 7, 2014 (“the API was not simplistically prescriptive, but could be adjusted to take account of whatever was freely agreed to by Israelis and Palestinians in their negotiations”) the Government of Israel should see the Arab Peace Initiative as an appropriate basis for renewed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. • The United States calls on the Arab League to re-formulate the API follow-up committee consisting in the minimum of Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel. The United States hopes that at the earliest date possible additional member states of the League of Arab states will join the follow up committee in order to assist to materialize the objectives of the Arab Peace Initiative and those of this US initiative for security, stability and peace. • The United States proposes that the Government of Israel recognize Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as the President of all of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza and that the United States and Israel are prepared to work with him in advancing security, stability and peace between Israel and the Palestinian people. • The United States calls on President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu to enter into direct and intensive bilateral negotiations together to reach an agreement on the establishment of full peace based on the formula of Two States for Two Peoples. The negotiations will last for not more than nine months and aim to conclude with an agreement addressing all of the permanent status issues. The United States prefers that the two leaders conduct these negotiations directly without a third party mediator, but is prepared to participate in the talks, if required in the last three months of the negotiations to assist in bridging gaps between the parties. • The United States calls on the League of Arab States to send a multi-nation Arab led force to Gaza to demilitarize Gaza within the framework previous Israeli-Palestinian understandings in negotiations on the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state within borders to be agreed between the parties. The successful demilitarization of Gaza will be the greatest incentive for Israel to make significant compromises in the negotiations between Israel and the PLO on all related issues. • The United States will present to the United Nations Security Council a resolution providing the Arab League multi-nation Arab led force to demilitarize Gaza with the proper international legal legitimacy and authority under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. • The United States will send a professional task force to the Israel-Gaza border that will undertake the discovery and destruction of all tunnels leading from Gaza to Israel. The task force will be able to work in partnership with Israel and the Palestinian Authority on both sides of the Israel-Gaza border. This is not a military mission but a professional task force with the necessary technology and equipment to undertake the mission. The task force will be protected, if required by the Arab League Multi-national Arab led force for the demilitarization of Gaza. • The United States calls on the international community with the assistance of the Arab League to establish a $50 billion fund for security, stability and development of the Palestinian state with an emphasis on Gaza first. The fund will be managed by the Palestinian Authority and under the oversight of the World Bank and an appropriate responsible international professional group to ensure that the funds are dedicated to projects of real social and economic development for the welfare of the people of Gaza and the West Bank. • The United States calls on Israel to end the economic separation of Gaza from the West Bank and the rest of the world. Movement of people and goods between Gaza, Israel, the West Bank and the rest of the world should be managed according to the Agreement on Movement and Access from 2005. The United States will request that Egypt reopen the Rafah crossing in according with the Rafah agreement from 2005.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 06:59:41 +0000

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