In addition to the open-mindedness so necessary to working the - TopicsExpress


In addition to the open-mindedness so necessary to working the Eleventh Step, it is vital that we actively pursue knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry it out. This knowledge is what we are searching for when we pray, whether our prayers are desperate pleas or calm requests for guidance. Regardless of our state of mind when asking for guidance, we can be sure that our consistent efforts to seek knowledge of our Higher Power’s will for us will be rewarded. We should remember that Step Eleven asks us to pray only for the knowledge of God’s will and the power to carry that out. Just as we opened our minds and avoided restricting our understanding of our Higher Power, we avoid placing limitations on what God’s will for us can be. Though the temptation to pray for a particular result may be great, we must resist the urge to do so if we want to experience the rewards of the Eleventh Step. Praying for specific solutions to specific problems is not the answer. For instance, at some time in our lives, we may feel unhappy but not know exactly what is causing such unhappiness. After spending a few minutes in prayer, seeking a specific solution to our unhappiness, we may suddenly get an idea that all our problems are caused by our boring job and demanding boss. We may even go to great lengths to convince ourselvels that our idea was divinely inspired. We, as addicts, are subject to take such random thoughts and run with them, impulsively quitting our jobs. This scenario may seem extreme. Its point is that, by praying only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out, we can avoid our former tendency to allow fleeting whims and superstition to dictate the course of our lives. Knowledge of our Higher Power’s will does not usually come in a momentary blinding flash, but in a gradual awakening brought about by the continued practice of prayer and meditation. Practicing the Eleventh Step involves a daily discipline of prayer and meditation. This discipline reinforces our commitment to recovery, to living a new way of life, and to developing further our relationship with our Higher Power. Through this daily practice, we begin to glimpse the limitless freedom we can be afforded through God’s love. We have found that following such a discipline also results in a firm belief in our own right to happiness and peace of mind. We see that, regardless of the presence or absence of material success in our lives, we can be content. We can be happy and fulfilled with or without money, with or without a partner, with or without the approval of others. We’ve begun to see that God’s will for us is the ability to live with dignity, to love ourselves and others, to laugh, and to find great joy and beauty in our surroundings. Our most heartfelt longings and dreams for our lives are coming true. These priceless gifts are no longer beyond our reach. They are, in fact, the very essence of God’s will for us. In our gratitude, we go beyond merely asking for the power to live up to God’s plan for our own lives. We begin to seek out ways to be of service, to make a difference in the life of another addict, to carry the message of recovery. Our spiritual awakening has opened us up to spiritual contentment, unconditional love, and personal freedom. Knowing that we can only keep this precious gift by sharing it with others, we go on to Step Twelve
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:11:55 +0000

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