In case you missed the State of the Union address, Ill summarize - TopicsExpress


In case you missed the State of the Union address, Ill summarize it: Everything good thats happened is because of me...everything bad thats happened is because of the Republicans...I have more great ideas that need to be passed...if I need to circumvent the Constitution to enact my ideas, I will...despite the coldest winter in decades, global warming is a fact, we need to change the temperature of the earth...illegal immigrants should be made legal so that they feel better about themselves, and can take advantage of even more social programs...we should continue paying unemployment benefits FOREVER...unemployed people are hardworking Americans, even though unemployed people, by definition, dont work at all...I want to give kids free high speed internet, because I know if I keep them busy with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other crap, they wont pay attention to me destroying their future...I want to give everyone a free or low cost college education...I want to eliminate all of the laws in place that ensure that people pay back student loans...Obamacare is awesome (trust me)...lets making it easier for dead people, illegal immigrants and cartoon characters to vote for Democrats...guns are bad...war is bad...even though the President of Afghanistan just announced that the United States was responsible for the latest suicide bombings in Kabul, well continue to support a unified Afghanistan in 2014...we need to close Guantanamo Bay (this time I mean it)...Im responsible for the peace in the Middle East (trust me, everything is fine in that part of the world)...I trust Iran...I like the military all of the sudden...God bless America (even though I dont really believe in God)!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:24:12 +0000

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