In communication, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. If you - TopicsExpress


In communication, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. If you want to be mighty in communication, you can’t be lousy in preparation. I love this portion of scripture in 2 Chronicles 27:6 “Jotham became mighty, because PREPARED his ways before the LORD his God”. Grace for effective delivery is harnessed during moments of intense preparation with the Holy Spirit. When preparing to preach or give a talk, I use this system to P.R.E.P.A.R.E PRAY - You may have a thousand subjects that you can share. Pray to discern the one on Gods heart and build your preparation around it. The greatest robber of communication impact is choosing to speak on a subject that you think will impress the people…and not the one that God wants spoken to the people. READ - Read passages of scripture that speak on the subject that God puts in your heart and document your raw thoughts on paper [tablet or laptop if you are digital… ]. If you don’t do deep private bible reading, you’ll be poor in impactful public speaking. To speak with power from the mouth…you need to be soaked with scriptures in the heart. ESCAVATE – Excavate truths and insights from those scriptures with the shovel of meditation and reflection. Don’t focus on getting information from scripture…focus on mining timeless truths. People have enough information…what they need is inspired insight. The digger of truth is the first beneficiary of the truths he mines from the word. PLAN AN OUTLINE - Develop a sketch of how you will introduce, build on and bring your talk to a conclusion. Without an outline, your delivery will be haphazard and unfocussed. Planning an outline brings a sense of order and logic to your delivery. It also helps you clarify what you must say and how you will say it based on the audience you’ll be speaking to. ADD HUMOUR, STORIES and ANCTEDOTES - People learn from what they laugh at. Boredom invades a talk that has no humor. Having humor doesn’t make you less anointed…it in fact makes you more effective. You don’t need to be a comedian to laugh at life. Share reflections that cause you to laugh WITH the people you are speaking to…but never laugh AT them. Stories are great [Jesus used them a lot...He called them parables]. Quotes and sayings are also helpful in keeping a talk engaging. REVIEW - Take some time and review your content and concepts. As you think through and pray through what is in Gods heart, He will usually give you new insights and startling revelations. Build them into your outline and reread it until its one with you… own your talk!! If you are not convicted about the importance of your talk…you will lack passion in delivering it ENTHUSIASM - If you are not on fire…your talk will not inspire. Build enthusiasm by ensuring that you are prayed up, studied well and ready to deliver with excellence. If there is no passion in your heart, there will be no conviction in your words. Pray until an inferno of divine fire and passion builds up in your heart….and youll be good to go. [By the way…the word enthusiasm means GOD WITHIN] # Communication reflections. #
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 06:47:57 +0000

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