In keeping with my focus, for this year, on the mind and mouth - TopicsExpress


In keeping with my focus, for this year, on the mind and mouth concerning the context and content of things going in, processed, and reintroduced to the world at large I dedicate the following meditations excerpted from Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color by Iyanla Vanzant First: The dog is sometimes smarter than the owner.-Yoruba proverb The tongue has no mind of its own. Like a dog, the tongue follows where the owner leads. If the owner leads the dog into harms way, the dog will not question the direction or intent. The same is true for the tongue. Unlike the dog, however, the tongue has a power the owner may not always be aware of. The tongue can create. The intent of the mind creates a force for the tongue. The power of this force will materialize as a physical condition or an emotional state for the owner. The tongue knows, even when the owner forgets, what you say is what you get--whether you want it or not. I speak with a conscious tongue. Second: Ones work may be finished someday but ones education, never.-Alexandre Dumas, the Elder Unless you make every waking a learning process, you are wasting a major portion of your life. You can learn from people you do not like as well as those you love. You can learn from the elders and the youth. You can learn more about the things you know about and fine-tune the things you are good at. You can learn by observing, listening and serving. You can learn by assisting, completing and forgiving. Never withdraw from the education process by picking and choosing from who you can learn. Keep your mind open, your ears attuned and your willingness to learn in the humble state of a student. I am learning a little more every day.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:43:50 +0000

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