In many cases, yoga has become a physical practice with a - TopicsExpress


In many cases, yoga has become a physical practice with a spiritual element, not the other way around... In many cases yoga is becoming nothing more than a physical exercise class and the principles and teachings are getting lost amid the desire to twist and turn your body into crazy postures all in search of the allusive yoga butt... ...Clearly they are targeting what westerners come in search of. It is a market, after all. Yoga teacher training is the new “thing.” Not to say that you cannot find teachings on the sutras or the ancient texts, but it appears that what the market is asking for is asana, the physical postures of yoga, or should I say body contortion. It is beginning to feel a little like a Cirque de Soleil recruitment drive. ...Some of the most amazing teachings I have received on yoga have come from teachers that have a great yoga butt, simply because they have sat on it and done the work—not the body contortion, but the meditation, the study, the introspection, the stuff that gets you closer to the point of yoga, to be in union, to join, to yoke. To realize the self through settling the waves of the mind. People who actually practice yoga as it were intended. An ancient science and spiritual practice that does have a physical element. Princeton Center for Yoga and Health - yoga from the inside out! AND you can get your yoga butt too! elephantjournal/2012/11/how-to-get-a-yoga-butt-fleur-carter/
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:13:13 +0000

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