In my inbox today. The military service men and - TopicsExpress


In my inbox today. The military service men and women are rapidly being demoralized by the policies of the Obama adminstration. Morale is at the lowest point its ever been in the military and national security of our nation is at greater risk than before WW II. The planned cutting of our national defense will open the door to agressor nations, tyrants, and thugs throughout the world from North Korea, Iran and Venezuela to Russia and China, not to mention the numerous Islamic jihadist nations. The dismantling and weakening of our military capabilities put every citizen at risk and we will pay for it very soon. When we must defend ourselves - assuming we have national leaders who are willing to defend the nation - the draft will have to be implemented. How popular do you think that will be with an American population that is accustomed to having all the comforts of freedom and liberty without having the responsibility to preserve and defend it? What is happening in the Executive branch is criminal on many levels and in clear violation of the Constitution. When the President of the United States does not seriously fulfill his repsonsibilities as Commander in Chief to provide for the defense of this nation as called for in the Constitution he must be held accountable. This is a President that cannot be trusted; he has blatantly lied to the American citizens of this great nation on many occasions and is not being challenged by the media or the Congress, except of a few. Our current federal government no longer has the consent of the governed. Do not wait for the Media to lead us in protest, that isnt going to happen and that also represents another great threat to the future of our country. We must STAND UP NOW. At least take the step of forwarding this to as many people as possible. Support the Convention of States with your state legislators. Read Mark Levins The LibertyAmendments. Get politically active now by joining conservative groups. Find conservative candidates and work to get them elected. Register people to vote and get them to turn out in 2014. Be outspoken and convert or convince one person at a time to understand the great threat our country is facing. Reject Socialist Fascism Restore America
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:40:45 +0000

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