In my opinion there is no debate on Bowe Bergdahl. He is a traitor - TopicsExpress


In my opinion there is no debate on Bowe Bergdahl. He is a traitor and Obama knew it. I could let it slide if he didnt desert and only made the comments about being ashamed of America. There are days that I am not very proud of this country either, and those comments were made in private to his parents. But I think people need to remember that he deserted and also there are reports that he taught bomb making skills to terrorists. Its not like he only walked away because of his conscience. It is being reported that he aided the enemy. That is undisputable treason. If that is not a traitor then I dont know what is. Run over to the Bowe Bergdahl is a Traitor page and read the stories of the guys that were there. One guy said that he was under orders to kill Bergdahl. Did Obama not think this would come out? Or did he simply not care if it did? Unless most of these reports end up being false, which is unlikely considering the number, variety and quality of sources, then this guy is a traitor. Period. I am so sick of Obamas bull s*it. He hates the military. He loves terrorists. He hates the history of this country and wants to destroy everything. Is everyone blind to not see it? If you can defend this man then you are genuinely brainwashed. And dont respond with that Bush did worse stuff because he was a piece of crap too. Stop acting like sheep and learn to think for yourselves America. They tell you what you want to hear and they know that you will believe it. There is plenty of blame for all of those in D.C. But as for Obama... he has to go. And bring a few buses because there are a ton that need to go with him.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 17:55:34 +0000

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