In only 11 days Denise and I will have been married 44 years. Was - TopicsExpress


In only 11 days Denise and I will have been married 44 years. Was it all easy: Were there no hard times? Were there times when we had to work at getting along? Of course there was, but we took a covenant oath before God for better or worse, richer and poorer and sickness and health. We believed God had brought us together and we intended to make it work. Marriage is a commitment that must be worked at. It is too easy to surrender and take the easy way out. Why am I saying this? Because just received notice that another couple of our minister friends are broken up and one is getting married to another person. Breaks my heart. We have seen way too much of this lately and even had some tell us that God told them to divorce their spouse and take another. Hog wash.......... I may be fixing to tick some people off, but here goes. If we within the body of Christ treat marriage so casually, why are we so upset at the gay community wanting to get married??? If it means so little to us within the church family, perhaps it is not worth fighting for???? No I am not advocating gay marriage, but I am offended that marriage means so little to the Christian community anymore that it is so easily abandoned. If we within the body want to protect and affirm marriage, then we should be doing our best to make it work and look at it more like covenant than a convenient agreement Marriage is a beautiful gift that God gives to humans. As so many of his special gifts, we appear to be surrendering it to walk in the ways of the world. I know many couples who ended in divorce. No I am not trying to speak condemnation to you. That is between you and God. But if you are in a new relationship, will you at least make an effort to make sure this one works? Slowly, slowly the world is attacking and destroying the family unit. I for one believe it is worth fighting for, how about you..
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:24:08 +0000

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