In part three:sensory and cognitive processes,how are sensation - TopicsExpress


In part three:sensory and cognitive processes,how are sensation and perception related?the sense providing the raw material of perception,classification of sensory systems,characteristics of sensory systems,the visual system ,the sense organ is the eye a camera? The receptors is a visual pathways in colour vision and colour blindness,retina theory and colour constancy ,the auditory system is the sense organ and the receptors and the auditory pathways,the sensory processing and hearing defects. 9-perception,Gregory is theory perceptual constancy,illusions,evaluation of Gregory theory of direct perception evaluation of Gibson theory,gestalt psychology ,the principles of perceptual organization,marrs computational theory of vision working out the computational theory 3-model representation of object recognition and evaluation of mar r is theory ,the influence of set on perception ,what determines set? Context,instructions and other situational variables and effects of emotional connotation effect of the value of objects ,depth perception monocular pictorial cues,monocular non-pictorial cues ,binocular non-pictorial cues,the pattern recognition,theories of pattern recognition ,the template detection theories the importance of context .10-perception,the nature- nurture debate ,the study of perceptual development an overview of the evidence,studies of human cataract patients ,animal experiments and perceptual adaptation -readjustment studies a cross cultural studies of human infants asking the right questions of methods of studying infants perception ,studying what the baby possesses,perception of colour,perception of brightness,perception of movement,the visual acuity and studying what the baby does perception of pattern or form,barefacedness ,perception of depth and 3-D objects,the visual constancies,conclusions .11-attention,definitions of attention,methods studying attention theories of selective attention ,broadsheets filter model,talismans attenuator model,the pertinence model an evaluation of single channel models,studies of divided attention is automatic versus controlled processing,automatic and practice,conclusions...12-memory,the concept of memory,the study of memory ,storage the sensory memory,short term memory,long term memory,retrieval,the multi store model,what is the evidence for the multi store model? Two component tasks coding ,brain damaged patients,alternatives to the multi store model episodic and procedural memory levels of processing working memory,theories of forgetting trace decay,displacement ,interference the gestalt theory of forgetting prevention of consolidation,cue dependent forgetting motivated forgetting special issues semantic memory and knowledge,organization,imagery,re-constructive memory and eye-witness testimony conclusions.13-language and thought,does language determine thought? The linguistic relativity hypothesis,peripheral ism,restricted and elaborated codes,Lab and black English are language and thought separate and independent? Vygotsky theory of the language -thought relationship,conclusions.14-thinking,problem -solving and artificial intelligence,the early studies of problem -solving ,classifying problems,early al research into problem -solving,solving non-adversary problems means end analysis state-space theory,solving adversary problems,expert versus novices expert systems,what computers can and cannot do,what is AI?what is the computer?what can computers do? And the computational theory of mind,the Chinese room and the Turing test,connection machine? So what’s new about connection machines ,conclusions..15-part four,in social behaviour,the ethological and socio biological approach to the study of behaviour,experimental and naturalistic approaches of ethological questions and methods,the evaluation of ethology,ethology and psychology,evolutionary theory,the concept of instinct fixed action patterns,sign stimuli,releasers and supernormal stimuli,the role of environmental factors,the role of hormonal factors and their interaction with the environment ,innate releasing mechanisms, criticisms of the ethological approach,the social nature of faps,conflict and evolution,the courtship and mating,how do animals fall in love? Social structure,territoriality,parental care and imprinting critical and sensitive periods,reversibility,sociobiology,biological altruism, the paradox of altruism,the socio-biological solution,sociobiology and human nature..16-pro-and anti-social behaviour,the biological and psychological altruism,biological altruism in humans,psychological altruism,bystander intervention defining the situation,diffusion of responsibility,the cost of intervention,the cost of time,the nature and nurture of aggression,the ethological approach,the neurophysiology,approach the psychoanalytic approach ,the learning theory approach is social learning theory ,the influence of observing aggression,television violence and catharsis,television and pro-social behaviour,aggression and de-individuation.17-interpersonal perception,in the definitions and models of interpersonal perception,forming global impressions of people ,the central versus peripheral traits,the primacy-recency effect,social roles and role conflict,judging the causes of behaviour,Jones and Davis correspondent inference theory,Kelly’s co-variation model,sources of error and bias in the attribution process,inferring what people are like individual stereotypes group stereotypes the nature of stereotypes and stereotypes and behaviour,influencing how others see us,the impression management,self-disclosure and self-monitoring.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 03:46:55 +0000

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