In recent times, the demand for dietary supplements that promise - TopicsExpress


In recent times, the demand for dietary supplements that promise to eliminate fat increases without stopping. And chitosan is one of the most remembered in this case. But after all, what is chitosan? Chitosan is a polysaccharide found in the shell of crustaceans such as shrimp and crab. It is a natural source of fiber and single. Chitosan has the surprising ability to bind cells in fat and cholesterol, blocking them before they are absorbed by the body. We can say that this is the dream of people who want to lose weight. Basically functions as chitosan, chitosan prevents fat cells are absorbed by the body. It acts by binding to the fat and pulling it out of the body before it is absorbed by it. This effect occurs because the positive ionic charge of the nutrient. Chitosan has the ability to attract and discharge grease, preventing it from accumulating in the body. As chitosan is not digested by the body, it contains no calories. The fat binds the type of chitosan forming a masa that the body can absorb. Since it can not be absorbed, this mass is then eliminated by the body. KEY BENEFITS OF CHITOSAN Chitosan Chitosan has several benefits, but that more interest is the blocking of fat. Otherwise, chitosan also prove beneficial in combating high blood pressure and cholesterol, ulcers and osteoporosis. Some studies also reported that it can inhibit the growth of certain types of tumors.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 23:52:38 +0000

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