In recent weeks I have once again been reminded of one very - TopicsExpress


In recent weeks I have once again been reminded of one very important truth... You cannot count on ANYONE with the exception of Jesus. About the time you begin to think that you can always count upon certain individuals to be people of their word and that they will always do what they say, you are painfully reminded of the fact that they are also only human and cannot be counted on completely. All year long I have been anxiously awaiting something that a longtime friend and supporter of my ministry promised us way back at the start of the year. Suddenly, weeks before the promised pledge is due to arrive, I am called by this individual and told that he has done something differently and will only be sending HALF of what he had promised. Our ministry barely makes its bills every month. Most of the time we are only able to do so by my personally contributing the better part of my monthly income. We never have the resources to do anything extra, including advertise, print outreach materials, participate in PRIDE, etc. We count very, very heavily upon outside gifts to be able to do any of the extra things we cannot do on our own throughout the year. What hurts more than anything is not the amount of the gift, but the fact that from this day until the day I die, I will never look at this individual the same way again. I will never be able to trust that what they say is what they will ultimately do. Sadly, for nearly two decades, I had always thought that I could put my full trust and confidence in this person. I never questioned a word they spoke or feared that they would not do exactly what they said. I no longer have that confidence. It really is sad. Once your ability to keep your word has proven to be inconsistent, like anything break in trust, it is hard won back.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:32:46 +0000

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