In response to the virality (how crazy is that?) of my Open Letter - TopicsExpress


In response to the virality (how crazy is that?) of my Open Letter to my Son, I felt a need to write something for daughters. Because I have the most lovely stepdaughter imaginable. I have watched her grow into someone beautiful. She is like a daughter to me and I cherish her with all my heart, and I am lucky enough that she let me into hers. And so here is my version for her, and all of the girls out there on the road to becoming a woman. AN OPEN LETTER TO DAUGHTERS AND YOUNG WOMEN: Oh my dears. Do you not know the value of who you are? Do you not know how you have been fashioned from the beginning of time to be the light of this world? I have been where you are. Afraid, struggling, competing, at times insecure and, yes, hormonal. Here is my best wisdom to navigating the path to true womanhood. 1. There is nothing more beautiful and admirable in this world than a woman of substance. Substance being truth, warmth, knowledge, strength, grace, handiness, helpfulness, and load of good common sense. Substance has no time for gossip, cattiness or drama. 2. Your mirror lies. Stop staring at the things you feel are wrong and look at what is right. Nobody sees flaws but you, and you are not objective about your own looks and body. 3. Be a lady...but not a doormat. Ive seen women afraid of being firm because they thought it wouldnt be lady-like or it wasnt nice. A true lady is a steel magnolia. Full of grace. And strength. 4.. There is a reason for the cow/free milk metaphor. Hold on to your virtue and cherish it. Make a man talk to you. Emotional intimacy is way more important than physical intimacy in the long run. I cant stress this enough. 5. This goes for dressing modestly. Seriously girls. Burn the Daisy Dukes and hoochie skirts. Put the girls under wraps. Men like a bit of mystery. Tempt with an appetizer. Not the whole smorgasbord. 6. FOOD. IS. LIFE. Balance it with exercise, and eat what you like and eat beautifully. And live guilt-free. 7. Super models are freaks. And then there is Photoshop. Nuf said. Theres no substitute for natural beauty, humor, and a warm, open smile. 8. Men are not the devil and women are not saints. People are people with their assets and their baggage. Most women dont realize that men are just as scared as women, and have the same hopes and fears. 9. Do NOT be afraid to be alone. Independence allows you to find out who you are without the influence of another persons opinions. And you will then be a more solid person when you are in a relationship. 10. Know how to fix a car. Or at the very least, know how jumpstart one. And change a tire. And use a drill. And then paint some furniture....:D Love, Karin
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:16:14 +0000

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