In support of saving the remaining 10% of mangroves in the Eastern - TopicsExpress


In support of saving the remaining 10% of mangroves in the Eastern Province To Our Beloved King Abdullah Al Saud, As a mother and a physician, I am witnessing an environmental catastrophe taking place on the coast of the Eastern Province of our beloved land. I am saddened about the disappearance of the mangrove forests here. I have difficulty understanding why are we destroying a living, giving, totally self-sufficient independent system that is providing us with a very rich and loved source of food? Our mangrove trees are the most important renewable natural resource in our country and the second most important natural resource after oil. This catastrophe is obliterating one of the most important and rare mangrove forests in the world, and its destruction has affected bird life, marine ecosystems and therefore humans, by negatively affecting the highly valued fishing industry. Scientific evidence proved decades ago that mangrove communities are the most productive in the world, coming only second to coral reefs. I ask your highness to have the immediate enforcement of your wise royal decrees to protect the coast, and the decrees of the council of ministers and other coastal conservation proposals. The complete halting of the burial and destruction of our last remaining natural mangrove habitats located in Saihat, Tarut Island, Safwa and Ras Tanura. Most of these habitats have disappeared in the last 45 years, due to land reclamation and landfilling, and less than 10% remains along the eastern coastline, as we speak it is being buried and built upon and trashed by local construction. We honor and support your decrees to protect this precious jewel, and are deeply saddened that they have not been respected. With a deep love and caring for this beautiful land, its wildlife in all forms, and its people, I wish for the preservation and healing of these areas for the benefit of future generations. Your legacy will include the most visionary ruler who brought environmental conservation and stewardship to the forefront in Saudi Arabia. Paving the way God willing to the continuation of a dignified life for our people now and in the future. May Allah protect you Dr. Najwa Bukhari (mother, citizen, physician, caring for the environment)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:33:15 +0000

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