In terms of leadership in Macedonia we have to discuss as well Ali - TopicsExpress


In terms of leadership in Macedonia we have to discuss as well Ali Ahmeti In terms of generation he is now the senior leader of the region with 55 this year. He was already a student leader against Albanian suppression in Kosovo in the early 80ies and has been since then and the war in Kosovo and the war in Macedonia in 2001 have elevated him in the ranks of a national hero among Albanians where ever they live. This fame and his contribution to the liberation of Kosovo and the Ohrid agreement settling the Macedonian conflict are his base for political power since them and as it seem for many years to come. The Albanian ethnic group is growing and his side keeps wining the majority among Albanians and he has found his way of power sharing with the Macedonians conservatives under Gruevski. The issues when it comes to transformational leadership in the kind of what we see now in the northern Balkans will Ali Ahemti be ready to end his policy of trade off with the majority on a quid pro quo basis and bring the Albanians in Macedonia to another understanding of what is government beyond getting the patronage the Albanians think they are entitled to after been deprived off any under the previous regime? Will he be ready for more politcial openess in terms of economic and poltical leadership and more transparent form of governmenting Macedonia this Belgium of the Balkans? In term of generation it is sure that he is one who really grow up in former Yugoslavia but it is sure he hated it. Was his struggle only Anti Serb or as well Anti Yugoslavia and will be be satisfied with the status of of the southern Balkans of defakto 4 Mini Yugoslavias still run on the same model of political and economic control and who is not happy shall be free to leave - this reamins to be seen. He as the only leader of all here has lived many years in Switzerland so has some exposure beyond the region and he speaks German and he has seen good administration but maybe the side he has seen as an immigrant political organiser of his community was not the one we in Europe should be most proud of. The young Albanians in Macedonia seem at present the most active pro European force and seem to understand Europe and its concepts the best and share this European dream of a European Macedonia and hopefully they can bring their leader along to this vision in the daily struggle of high level power politics and compromise.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:53:50 +0000

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