In the 1960′s, blacks were the subject of white racism. In 2013, - TopicsExpress


In the 1960′s, blacks were the subject of white racism. In 2013, racism has been wholly driven from mainstream society. Our society has revolutionized, and done so in only three generations, like no other in recorded history. To the extent racism exists today, it is on the margins. When you see a woman at one of race hustler Al Sharpton’s rallies hold up a sign that says “Racism’s stll alive. They Just Be Hiding It,” that tells you all you need to know about the absence of racism in mainstream society. Two, the moral high ground no longer rests with blacks. The most significant problems besetting black society – criminality, violence, breakdown of the family with three out of every four black children born to single mothers – those are problems internal to black society. They are not caused by white racism. Moreover, to the extent that the government contributes to the problems of the black community, it is ultimately because addressing the problems of black society honestly would break the monolithic voting block on which the left relies, and in the case of education, would mean taking on teachers unions that provide the single greatest source of funding for the Democrats. This is a travesty, as is the fact that Republicans, despite the urging of such luminaries as Thomas Sowell, have not made any concerted effort to point out these truths to the black community and seek their votes. Lastly, since whites make up the majority of society, the success of the racial grievance industry ultimately rests on the existence of white guilt. But with racism no longer endemic to society, white guilt is fast fading. The race card is becoming ever less effective, and at some point, the constant claim that anything the left doesn’t like is motivated by conservative’s racism is not merely going to be ineffective, it is going to engender outright anger. We are inexorably moving to the day when blacks stop their monolithic support of the far left. That will mean that they have joined American society and are no longer claiming to be perpetual victims of it. It will be the day the racial divide ends – and President Obama, with his administration’s overuse of the race card, will have, wholly unintentionally, done his part to end it. Well, there you have it.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 02:10:57 +0000

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