In the beginning was the word, and the word was God. In the - TopicsExpress


In the beginning was the word, and the word was God. In the beginning was God and all else was darkness and void and without form. So, God created the heavens and the earth. He created the sun and the moon and the stars so that the light might pierce the darkness. And the earth, God divided between the land and the sea. These, he filled with many kinds of creatures. The sea wad dark, salty, and slimy creatures inhabited the murky depths and surface of the ocean. God called them SAILORS and dressed they accordingly. And, the creature that were in the air, he called them AIRMEN and these, he clothed in uniforms that were ruffled and cute. The lower creatures of the land, God called MARINES. With a twinkle in his eye and a sense of humor that only he could have, God gave them drab uniforms. He took away all of their hair except for a little tuft on top of their head. He removed most of their brains so that they could only follow orders of a selected few that were given just enough brain to think they were able to lead. He knew that he had not give them enough skill to operate their own higher Headquarters, but, made them part of the Slimy NAVY. He would only give them minimal promotions, awards, and no visible unit designation insignia because they were not mentally equipped to know that they had earned anything. They were not equipped to shine boots, and he gave them sissy shoes for when they attempted to wear their drab dress uniforms. When you are God, you tend to get a little carried away, so, he only taught them one sound - OORAH. On the seventh day, as you know, God rested. On the eighth day, at 0630hrs, God looked at his new creation and he wasnt completely happy. He just wasnt happy at all. He thought about his labors and in his infinite wisdom, God created a divine creature. He called this creature an AIRBORNE SOLDIER. He called them AIRBORNE for short and blessed them as the greatest military individual on his earth. He created them to be able to be delivered by air, land, or water. They were able to float on a parachute. These were the only creatures with that ability, for all others were from that time on called a DAMNED LEG. He gave those AIRBORNE SOLDIERS the ability brilliant uniforms without the sissy shoes all others had to wear. Those, that were the elite ARIBORNE were given leather boots that they were able to make shine like crystal. These creatures were readily able to stomp all other creatures. They were sharp and squared away all of the time and the entire earth was impressed. At the end of the eighth day, God looked down upon earth and saw that it was good. But, was God happy ? He was kind of okay with his creations. In the course of his labors, he had forgotten only one thing. He could not be an AIRBORNE SOLDIER. But he thought about it and he thought about it, and, he was finally satisfied with himself in knowing, only a selected few are able to be an AIRBORNE SOLDIER. I felt obliged to share this little ditty with you. I acquired a copy of this back before the US Army had Xerox machines. Each copy was an original. The first copy machine I had access to was a burn copy on flimsy (onion skin) paper. I have a few other items that I will share another time. I find it interesting how many things that were a Brand Name that have become a generic name. I in their early years, copy machines were called making a xerox copy. Please hand me a Kleenex. Im going to set in my lazyboy or my barcalounger. There are a couple of ladies products (the kind most men do not want to go to the store to get) that the Brand Names are now the generic names. We use an airwick type air freshener even if it is made by SC Johnson. Better eat your Wheaties means have a nutritious breakfast. I guess I went long tonight. Please let me leave you with this parting idea. Ya though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For I am an AIRBORNE SOLDIER and one of the meanest creatures on the earth. One hundred thirty five pounds of soldier delivered from the sky. Trained to do anything necessary to do my best to keep my fellow paratroopers alive and keep freedom for everyone back in the country I love. Tomorrow, please make an effort to see how many people you can make happy by asking, Do you know what today is ? Thanks, Love yall
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 03:31:42 +0000

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