In the game of Cities V Slade Point last weekend one of the Cities - TopicsExpress


In the game of Cities V Slade Point last weekend one of the Cities players Ryan Turner suffered a terrible injury dislocating his elbow and rupturing one of his main arteries in the arm. He was flown to Townsville to be operated on by vascular and orthopaedic surgeons, he spent 6 hours on the operating table yesterday where they had to replace 5cm of his artery in his arm. He is recovering and will see specialists today to see what the outcomes are and if there is anything further required. This has been a tough few days for the Turner family and all of us from the Mackay Rugby family send our support. All our prayers and thoughts are with the Turners and that Ryan will see a full speedy recovery. For those that dont know Ryan, he is the club captain of Mackay Cities and also involved with SES Labour Solutions who is Cities major sponsor. He is a great club man and honestly what we all need more of so when I say he will be missed while recovering I say it with truth and not only by Cities Rugby Union but Mackay Rugby Union. I would also like to say that the local Mackay surgeon Adrian Westcott who worked on Ryan before they flew him to Townsville did a great job. The surgeons in Townsville said that they believe he actually saved Ryans hand by patching the artery as best he could so that his arm was able to get blood through. All of us from Mackay rugby extend our thanks and gratitude to all the people that worked on Ryan in Mackay to save the use of his arm and send him to Townsville.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:31:44 +0000

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