In the name of God the Merciful Please friends in all countries - TopicsExpress


In the name of God the Merciful Please friends in all countries of the world connected to the complaint of paramount importance to both of Gentlemen members of the Security Council And the members of the American Congress And the members of the United Nations The American President and all members of the Senate and House of Representatives I extend to you day the complaint against Mr. / Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt and his government and security agencies are covering up it against Mr. / Abdel Fattah Sisi offender who went too far in his crime and who is trying to deceive the people of Egypt Ptstrh on Mubarak and his aides I did not relinquish the complaints sent by against him and his government did not relinquish the complaint but order now prompt investigation with Mr. / Abdel Fattah Sisi for the crime committed by the human right and human rights, human rights do not apply in Egypt never as a democracy that talking about Egyptian power all the words on paper and there is a ground them something and even freedom, there is a conspiracy carried out by the Egyptian government against me for nearly 34 years so far, and I so far I did not have the receipt of my money from Bank of Egypt in Egypt and the Egyptian government is doing plans and plots in order to try not to hand over money to please I quotient the absolute freedom of the White House, USA, and I repeat that Abdel Fattah Sisi man a criminal and should be punished for the crime that he has done in the right of democracy, freedom and the poor people, the life in Egypt became virtually non-existent, this guy has to raise support for most things causing this burden on the people and that this man is not fit to run the country and this guy man sneaky crimes Mubarak, Mubarak, who has been ruled Egypt for 30 years of injustice and corruption and is now trying to fool the people of the existence of Abdel Fattah Sisi this man, who was from the men Mubarak remains of men Mubarak tries blur the real and there is conclusive evidence that it was a hoax and a conspiracy orchestrated by Mubarak and his men against the people, all the officers who have done the crimes, which Canon serving system have not tried any of them but were trials illusory and deceptive security men and the men of Egyptian intelligence, the Egyptian intelligence was able to deceive the whole world they also raided the individuals and eliminate them to try to install your system for Mubarak and the presence of Abdel Fattah Sisi on the scene now, the biggest proof that Mubarak is the one who governs this country so far behind the backs of the people, but the apparent opposite of all I demand a retrial for Mubarak and his men as I am asking the trial Abdel Fattah Sisi as a war criminal for violating freedom and human rights and democracy I call the whole world that monitors what this guy unjust oppression of all people, and Im still so far I repeat I am asking to try them courts universal before the International Criminal Court and the courts of human rights and I demand to send a fact-finding commissions and committees working the inventory of all the money that entered Egypt before the revolution and after the revolution until the world knows that there is a crime was plotting with Mubarak and Abdel Fattah Sisi and his aides of trying to rob a sum trillion dollars within the Bank of Egypt this money who are trying monument of this money, which came from the order that I receive, but the Egyptian government is trying to vile monument on this money and this is not money, but trying monument to all investors and all countries of the world, I ... Please ban the extreme importance of the Egyptian governments despicable that do not work to destroy your country in order to please the speed of the investigation into the complaint, as I tell you that Egypt is a state do not like America does not like Israel or foreign countries, in particular, are trying to fraud to all of you please ban of paramount importance I am the complainant in particular and personal / writer, journalist and poet / Osama Bardeeni A member of the World Organization of African and Asian Book Winning the absolute freedom of the White House Who suffered from the blockade 34 years in Egypt of Egyptian power despicable Ask an immediate investigation and send inspection committees
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:28:27 +0000

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