In this difficult time for me and my family...I deem it necessary - TopicsExpress


In this difficult time for me and my family...I deem it necessary to say that if Ive ever wronged you..please forgive me and accept my apology. If you have ever wronged me...I forgive you without an apology. Life is not promised from one breath to the next, and if you take it seriously you will not take it or the people in your life for granted. Therefore, I dont take me meeting any of you for granted. At some point or currently, God placed you and I here to learn from one another, to encourage one another, to be a blessing, to build strength, to give hope, to be in each others presence, to share wisdom, to reciprocate love in all be imitators of Him. I thank you for your contribution in my life whether you made me laugh, made me cry, wiped my tears, provided a need, prayed for me, held my hand, fed me, , assisted me in my studies, listened, used me or abused me, did or didnt forgive me, do or dont have my best interest at heart...because I know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) Be blessed, hold no grudges, cry out for each other, and love as if its your last breath-
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:44:01 +0000

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