In watching the South Carolina Senate Oversight Subcommittee - TopicsExpress


In watching the South Carolina Senate Oversight Subcommittee video. Hearing the testimony and seeing the reactions, I found it intriguing and informative. These SC Legislators are really concerned about the children and the families and extended families. Naturally one would ask, “Well why wouldn’t they be, that’s why they are there. Right?” In thinking about it more….you’re exactly right! However, several questions began going through my thoughts. I thought how these Legislators didn’t waste any time. They brought to light the fact that there are problems in the DSS system. That’s admirable! I haven’t heard of these SC Legislators complaining about the time and efforts they’ve put forth, for the pay they receive. They’re doing it for the children, families, and extended families. I haven’t heard of them hiring additional people, DSS educated, to go oversee a problem in the DSS system. DSS is the problem already….why add fuel to the fire. Isn’t that what you would think? They’re not going around boasting about how they’re on this committee or saying, how they managed to get a Bill passed and signed into law on the last session. Is it not important that we try to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to the children, families and extended families? Well…naturally we should, or at least that’s my opinion. It would seem to me South Carolina has that opinion. Is North Carolina saying, “Well…we have to wait till the next session,” while the children pay with physical, or mental abuse….or maybe even worse? These South Carolina Legislators are taking action, without delay, not because it’s the right session. So to the SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATORS….I TAKE MY HAT OFF, and COMMEND YOU ON YOUR HARD WORK AND DELIGENCE. NOW….how many other States have Legislators that can actually say that? I’m NOT to sure about North Carolina. I’ve seen a lot of “Pat me on the back because of what I accomplished.” Although it may be or may have been to late. Could some things have been stopped or avoided if they were acting on legislation sooner? Proactive instead of reactive. Well…I guess we’ll never know, that’s in the past. There’s only one problem though, those families will always know. It may be something they will relive everyday for the rest of their lives. It could be through scars on a small face. It could be through scars hidden deep inside a young mind. It could be an empty chair at a Thanksgiving table, that will never be filled again. The laughter of a young voice…silenced forever. South Carolina Legislators I once again commend you on your efforts and steadfast common sense approach to the issues. North Carolina Legislators, and other State Legislators. What’s wrong! What’s the delay! While the children, the families, the extended families watch…are you continuing to skip rocks across a pond….only to watch those rocks, our children, families, and extended families, eventually sink and be lodged in the mire below?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:21:36 +0000

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