Income Tax Movie: Oct. 14, tuesday; One night only; FoxNews - TopicsExpress


Income Tax Movie: Oct. 14, tuesday; One night only; FoxNews Mike Huckabee hosting; Please share with your email list Income Tax System Exposed Hosted by Fox News Mike Huckabee Tuesday, October 14, one night only in theaters Help promote it anyway you can: e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, flyers and more. UNFAIRmovie/ Have you been abused by the tax system? Know anyone who has not been? Now is the time to make a difference to create more momentum to abolish the monstrosity of a 73,000 page tax code, and IRS abusive tactics. A search on the terms: IRS help, tax help, yields hundreds of sources necessitated by tax complexity and fear of error. The tax code violates our 1st Amendment: forced speech, 4th Amendment: financial privacy, and 5th Amendment: not to provide information that can be used against one in a court. Make a mistake interpreting the 73,000 page tax code, and IRS can fine, and even imprison you. The films host, Mike Huckabee, was a church pastor from 1980 to 1992, former governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007, and 2008 presidential candidate. His show is on Fox News Sundays. He labels IRS, “...a criminal enterprise.” MikeHuckabee/ Huckabee for President 2016 ? In 1984, under the Reagan administration, the Grace Commission reported: 100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government. Submitted to President Ronald Reagan - January 15, 1984. Outgoing IRS Commissioner, Steve Miller, and congressman affirm the income tax system is voluntary. TinyURL/CongressmanTaxVoluntary for youtube/watch?v=XNICz9CZOgw on 5/17/13 Why would they admit this publicly? Is it because Americans are learning that they cannot be FORCED to violate their own rights? See the free ebook: “Why No One is Required...” Scroll down to the red download link: Anti-IRS/ Mr Conklin is a skilled pro se litigant with six published tax case wins against IRS on his site. As a pro se, versus licensed lawyer, he appears to have more latitude to go outside the box for tax solutions. View free another recent tax film: CROSSHAIRS: https://youtube/watch?v=8RKdCvK4xz8 And this amazing Hollywood tax movie from 2006: topdocumentaryfilms/america-freedom-to-fascism/ …. FreedomToFascism/ You can help by demanding CHANGE NOW, especially so your kids and grandkids can walk into a better future. If you have been abused, audited, and are fed up with the tax system, write or email your two Senators and your House Congressperson today and often. Tell them any abuse story(s) and/or anothers. Demand change NOW, not more lip service. Demand IRS out of your financial affairs and life. Change is decades overdue. Likely you live with an ongoing fear in the back of your mind of a possible future audit or tax confrontation. Yes? Ready to stop living in fear? “ When the people fear government, there is freedom. When the government fears the people, there is freedom.” John Basil Barnhill, 1914. Hundreds of Americans are giving up their citizenship largely to live their lives FREE of IRS fear and harassment, and to keep more of their earnings. How much can you do to promote the movie and tax reform? How many flyers can you distribute? Mass email? Social media? Can you make a difference? To make an actual change will require contacting your two Senators and House Congressperson on a periodic basis to demand change NOW, not speeches. Get the IRS out of our lives! Congress is 100% responsible for unleashing the IRS on the American people. Tens of thousands of lives and businesses have been harmed by IRS, including suicides. Five (5) here, partial listing: TinyURL/DeniseSimon TinyURL/AlexCouncil …. tinyurl/BruceBarron ….. tinyurl/PakChongMar …. Rememhber the fellow who flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas over tax frustration in 2010? tinyurl/JosephStackCrash Mr Stacks 6 page letter he left: TinyURL/JoeStackLetter There may need to be Truth & Reconciliation Hearings like South Africa held about the decades of apartheid. Congress is currently investigating IRS for targetting tea party groups who demanded honest government, and missing emails. Consider: how would IRS treat you with missing receipts? The UNFAIR movie will be effective if it generates persistant demand to Congress for change. Postcards are processed and read quickest to Congress. Get a stack. Write often. One postcard-letter-email represents several voters who dont write. Respectful, peaceful but firm. Well meant, sincere communication is effective. Reforming the tax system could create the largest economic boom in U.S. history. Its up to me and thee to demand it ! Encourage others to be pro-active; multiple family members can have a combined effect. Change is often effected from the bottom upward. Grass roots influence on Congress: congressmerge/about.htm Dear Senator..... Dear Congressman/woman.... Search how to write and influence Congress: consumerist/2008/09/23/how-to-write-to-congress/ Below are sites by gutsy Americans to provide law and rights education and tax assistance. They may have differences of opinion on tax law. They deserve a big THANK YOU ! The Fair Tax Alternative: …. End taxation? cafr1/ TaxHelpOnline …. MinnsLaw/ …. BeatIRS/ …. truth-attack/ ... (See , About Us, Law Library) FreeEnterpriseSociety/ …. ….. LegalBears/.. and their other site: IRSzoom ... ..ram-v-irs/ (Taxation box, free 1200 page e-book, left column, Great IRS Hoax) Book: The New Income Tax Scandal, J Garrison ToolsForFreedom/Reduce-or-Eliminate-Taxes-s/22.htm IRS is a collection agent for the private Fed Bank, collecting interest for computer created loans to the US Government: NewPeopleOrder …. TinyURL/RonPaulAbolishTax...http TinyURL/ShowLawTaxes short for: scannedretina/2014/10/03/dear-john-regarding-the-irs/ …. Anti-IRS TinyURL/PressReleaseTaxes ..David Robinson -30 book-Amazon: tinyurl/ctj3zsx .Anticorruptionsociety/ Radio: Legal exhibits for researchers: ... Court rulings on income tax: freedom-school/law/irs-cases.htm (Save, paste on Word doc) TinyURL/AbolishNow ….renseradio/ ..libertyworksradionetwork/
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 23:25:45 +0000

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