Incoming deep thoughts (just a warning) Our country is falling - TopicsExpress


Incoming deep thoughts (just a warning) Our country is falling to complete shit. Ive become completely disillusioned with the state of affairs here in the United States and a lot of that stems from the sad state of affairs with our governmental structure. I hear people all the time saying the same thing I really want things to change, I really want things to be different, but I dont feel like anything I can do will make a difference. You know what? for the most part, theyre right. Our government, on both state and national levels have become stagnant, and our country is suffering for it on a epidemic level. The majority of individuals governing our country are doing absolutely nothing but bickering over pointless bullshit while they collect a paycheck and watch this (once great) nation suck itself dry from the inside. What really needs to happen is a mass overhaul. What really needs to happen, on a state level first, then followed by a national level, is that the entire governing staff needs to be officially fired. If those individuals want to keep their jobs, they need to be re-elected. Not by an electoral college, but by popular vote of TAX PAYERS. Thats the important part. Citizenship should no longer be a qualification for voting. Being a citizen of the United States no longer holds the meaning it once did. Being a citizen no longer means that you are a contributing member of society and are earning your keep. Every governmental representative in this country is paid out of a collective pool of money which is comprised solely of tax revenue, so in my opinion, it is only logical that the people paying into that pool should be the only ones who have a say as to what, where, and whom it goes to. And just to establish a baseline, 365 days. The past 365 days is the minimum amount of time that an individual should have been a taxpayer to qualify for voting. I know a lot of people will disagree with that whole concept, but I really could care less. If you havent been paying taxes for at least the past year, I dont honestly believe youve earned your right to have any say where that money goes. If you want a say, get off your ass and earn it. There is plenty of time between elections to get a damn job and earn your keep, if you didnt get to vote this time and were butthurt about it, then do something about it. If you want a say in what the collective tax pool goes toward, then you need to be a contributor to the pool, period, otherwise I have no pity for you, you have no right to a say in where my money goes. (And on a side note, everyone who says that there arent enough jobs to go around just needs to shut up go whine that bullshit to someone else because I dont want to hear it. There are plenty of jobs in this country, the only reason you cant find one is because you arent willing to do what needs to be done and because there are thousands of people pouring across our borders every day who are, but that problem would be rectified by this whole process too.) By reducing the voting population to only those who are actually contributing to the tax pool, you effectively solve the problem that plagues our voting system today, which is the fact that a large population in our country have found a way to vote themselves into a handout, and the representatives have effectively found a way to buy themselves votes, and THAT needs to stop. The breadwinners in a household are the ones who decide what the family funds go toward, not the dependents. Just like I was taught as a child, if I wanted the ability to use money however I wished, then I needed to go out and earn it. As long as my parents were supporting me, I had no say in how they used their money. A country should run the same damn way. People either need to get off their asses and contribute to the tax pool, or shut the hell up and take their asses back to the kids table and leave the decision making to the grown ups. Now, back to the elected officials. Like I said, every single elected official in this country, on both the state and national level, from bottom to top, needs to be systematically fired and their position re-voted upon by taxpayers. I can 100% guarantee you THAT would spark change. If people want to keep their jobs as representatives of the people, then they need to prove to the people that they are willing to work for the people and work toward bringing this nation back to the prosperous society it was originally intended to be, or be replaced by someone who will. People need to remember that our government is BY the people and FOR the people, not the other way around. OUR GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR US (or at least it should) and its HIGH TIME this country remembered that! You folks want real change. You folks really want to make a difference in our society? THAT is what it will take to accomplish it.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:43:58 +0000

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