India being the mother of many religions which fostered love and - TopicsExpress


India being the mother of many religions which fostered love and compassion among the people with a single message.Many religions orignated in India have spread all over the world and above all indians are known for their religious sentiments and devotion being practiced with lots of external pomp and show unlike other countries of the world.As we indians are multi religious in nature whuch reflect the diversity of belief in terms of our devotion towards God.Religion is a personal affair and India being the republic nation , every indivudual has the right to practice the religion of his choice.And thats what is exactly happening in our country exoect in few cases where some religious extremists indulge in forceful conversion.This should be stopped by bringing a Act againt such conversion. Everything seems to be fine and we do celebrate all the religious festivals be it xmas, Id , Dewali or pogal to name a few , with lots of external preprations.we not only celebrate these festivals but regularly go to temple, mosque, gurudwara, church and many times offer gifts in these places. I have a question in my mind...can the religions be limited to just our prayers and petitions for our welbeing , religious practices and celebrating the rigious festivals???? Does the religion also entrust us with certain duties n responsibity??ya certainly it does.Religions cnt be limilted to mere religious practices but it must help us to take the resposinsibilty of those downtrodden , helpless and dying in the society.God must be seen in every individual to be authentic religious.If we hate , feel jealous , try to destry others , then can there be any meaning of the religion we practice.Religions are made for man not the otherwise. Religions must make us more humane to understand each one to make this world a better place to live in.The world today is facing crises in all spheres of our life like never before , its not because we dont have religious or ethical values but we have failed to understand what really religions means to us and its possible ethical values ought to be inculcating in us. The 21st century is advancing materlistically with amazing inventions and duscovries make the human life more comfortable and laxurious but this cant gurantee peace and brotherhood .Religions practiced in true sense can gurantee peace, love , brotherhood n mutual understanding..What the world and the people need today is the balancing between these two to live the life completely n alowing others to live ...
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:28:07 +0000

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