Indignation against imperialist crusade in Africa Imperialist - TopicsExpress


Indignation against imperialist crusade in Africa Imperialist Crusade in Africa: We follow with astonishment and stupefaction current international events, particularly crises in Africa. “What has to be said. ...”: We are angry. We are very pretty angry! We are indignant about politics that makes France in Africa. “Francafrique”, or the hidden side of the French politics in Africa(civil wars, dictatorships, poverty, crime, illiteracy, malnutrition, migration, …). The catastrophic situation of Francophone Africa raises many questions: Why so much misery in countries that are rich in natural resources? Who benefits from the money from the exploitation of raw materials? How is to explain, the constant presence of the French Army in its former colonies? Why the French government receives, with all the honors of the Republic, African leaders who came to power through coups or fraudulent electoral processes? We accuse France, which - it must be remembered - is supported by the EU / U.S(under the auspices of the United Nations). We complain about the current disastrous situation in Africa. We denounce this situation, which is the direct cause of the imperialist / neo-colonial and genocidal politics of France in Africa. The African people have always suffered what Jews have suffered under the Nazi regime in Germany. We are now talking about genocide in Africa (8,000,000 victims the last 10 years in Congo / Democratic Republic compared to the alleged six million so-called Jews in less than 5 years). This madness must end! That shit must stop! This psychosis must be fought! The genocide in Africa must stop. France, the media-lies, are responsible for socio-political crises in Africa. France meddles for a long time in African political affairs. Yesterday it was Sarkozy, who wanted to protect people now Holland is running on Africa, to protect French interests. Among these arguments hides an evil agenda: “Immoral plunder of resources in Africa”. The wars in Libya, Ivory Coast, Mali, Central African Republic, Sudan, …, who will be the next, Cameroon, Chad ... ? What certain is that, France has never left Africa and never want to leave voluntarily. Africa has long been the scene of wars between foreign powers: China, Russia, (...) against those who call themselves Westerners (EU / U.S. ...). We will no longer tolerate this injustice, African people will not accept that! The Ivory Coast was umpteenth time a victim of imperialist aggression, initiated by the French government under the auspices of the United Nations. This government(current Ivorian government), which - it must be remembered - was involved in the onset of the crisis in 2002, did not hesitate to take an active part on the side of the rebels of the Forces Nouvelles, current FRCI (Republican Forces of Côte d Ivory) in the extremely violent overthrow of President Laurent Gbagbo to install Alassane Ouattara to power. France through its actions is an accomplice of all war crimes and acts of violence against the civilian population, that its forces have committed during their campaign. France has gone too far, even to take part in combat, by bombing repeatedly, strategic sites in Abidjan, including military bases, where many families live. Few kilometers to the north, in Libya, there is another attack, at the instigation of France, in which also other imperialist powers were soon involved again with the Goodwill United Nations. In Ivory Coast, as in Libya, we deplore the neo-colonialist maneuvers aimed mainly is the preservation and strengthening of imperialist interests, under the guise of humanitarian aid. How should we understand we had recourse to the military option, although we could still find peaceful solutions? The Venezuelan proposal to form an international humanitarian Commission to support peace and unity of Libya, was adopted by the regime of Gaddafi. For the Ivory Coast, the African Union had proposed the appointment of a High Commissioner to continue the negotiations to end the crisis, a proposal which was taken by the regime Gbagbo and the United Nations positive, but ignored by Ouattara who trust in his Western support triggered hostilities. How can we explain that France and the so-called international community suddenly interested in democratic values and to worry about the fate of certain nations, while just next door support other dictators who have long been rejected by their peoples? What kind of democracy, the French government and Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly want to promote in Ivory Coast and elsewhere in Africa with bombings at the cost of thousands of lives, if you know how France is governed self(controversial pension reform, expulsion of Roma, ratification of the Europe Treaty, despite the rejection of the French in a referendum, and the absence of any parliamentary oversight of public affairs …)? We also know as just this France uses bloody dictatorships on the continent and maintains. We note once again the ambiguity of the United Nations, we can ask what was the role this organization? We also complain about the harmful role that is played by the dominant international media in the treatment of these two crises - the media, perform a veritable campaign of disinformation and deception of public opinion. The inaction of the African Union is to be regrettedbecause they has great difficulty to speak with one voice and to bring their weight on the global stage in the treatment of African issues to bear. We require: the immediate cessation of all military attacks in Africa for a serious dialogue between the different parties, the immediate withdrawal of all French and Western forces involved in Africa the immediate release of President Laurent Gbagbo (illegally incarcerated in The Hague (ICC)), his wife Simone Gbagbo, Ble Goude and all political prisoners pros Gbagbo, resolution of conflicts and crises by Africans themselves a reform of the United Nations for more consensus in decision making and a stronger voice weaker countries We call for, especially to gain clarity on the international situation and to exercise solidarity between the peoples of the world, all of which are trapped in a system that is driven by people with no ethical or moral values, these do not hesitate to use all means to achieve their goals. The time has come for each of us to speak the word of truth: It is now time to choose between love and fear! If you choose Love, then stand fearlessly for equality and justice in Africa and throughout the world. «the world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing». – Albert Einstein Pan-africanistes, Diaspora Africaine R6, https://facebook/groups/577206972356226/ L´Afrique pour Africains / Africa for Africans
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:37:02 +0000

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