Information on Lordship Salvation This very term was coined by - TopicsExpress


Information on Lordship Salvation This very term was coined by opponents of the Lordship of Christ being an essential component of the true Gospel. I have heard MANY people say they oppose LS as works salvation, yet when they define their own beliefs, they believe exactly what LS TEACHES. Many have a right understanding of the Word, but have been poisoned by propaganda. I have read many an opponents works as well, and it was so full of false charges and misrepresentations that I truly feel a libel lawsuit could be won. Now I am NOT posting this for anyone to come and criticize this, I hold it as a non negotiable essential, NOT like TULIP which I regard a NON essential. Therefore Dissent will be handled as I handle any heresy, it will be deleted. This is for information purposes, with the hope that SOME of the critics, who ARE sound in their own doctrine MIGHT learn that what they THINK they oppose, they actually AGREE with. Because the topic of Lordship Salvation has came up in many discussions, and because I do happen to have several good resources ON this, I wanted to put it all together here. This is a quote by someone else, [I dont have a name, just a blog] which rather well summarizes a key issue which leads to the whole debate: In my own experience in discussing these issues with various people and reviewing the work of those on both sides of the debate, I conclude that much of the controversy is derived from a gross misunderstanding of what lordship salvation teaches, which gives birth to misconceptions and misrepresentations when dismissing or condemning this doctrine. At root, as I understand it, whether or not one adheres to lordship salvation is the view through which one sees the work of salvation. On the one hand, those who view salvation as a work of God alone for the glory of God alone (monergism) accept “lordship salvation” as nothing more or less than the pure Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. While through the lens of synergism, on the other hand, believers view salvation as a work of God with the cooperation of man to achieve salvation, which lends to the misunderstanding that any type of commitment to Christ or repentance from sin are additional works instead of gifts from God. First of all, there are two outstanding books, both by John MacArthur, called The Gospel According to Jesus and the sequel, The Gospel According to the Apostles; both which are thorough and excellent and I highly recommend as further resources. Next, this is an excellent article with much Scriptural support, which was written as a response to the Free Grace movement, which are the who introduced the term Lordship Salvation to begin with, and with derogatory intent. Now, we all here believe Grace is utterly Free, not something we can ever earn by works. We have no say in what movements decide to call themselves, and if it were up to me., I would call them the Watered Down Gospel That Does Not Save movement. monergism/thethreshold/articles/onsite/freegrace.html The next three are a series of articles by John MacArthur, which explain and defend the Lordship Salvation position. I prefer to simply call it the true Gospel of Grace which the true Church has always taught. First, a summary of Lordship Salvation, the first article by John MacArthur, which has been posted here before: Clarifying-the-Lordship-Debate-Part-1 Clarifying-the-Lordship-Debate-Part-2 A 15-Year Retrospective on the Lordship Controversy *** Now, for my quote above there is a single link I am posting, but from this link, is a defense of Lordship, from another author, whose name I still need to find out, too; but this looks like it wiil also be useful. I kind of found it by accident though and so have not even read it myself yet. airocross/lordship-salvation/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 05:55:52 +0000

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