Ingredients and what they do Trufix Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) - TopicsExpress


Ingredients and what they do Trufix Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a beneficial fatty acid that is produced in every cell of the body. One of its principle functions is to help convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It is also a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals have been linked to cancer, accelerated aging and many other debilitating and potentially terminal conditions. Studies have shown that ALA can also help with high blood pressure, diabetes, impaired brain function, degenerative diseases, some forms of neuropathy, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, some forms of cancer, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions and many degenerative diseases. Cinnulin is the only cinnamon extract that exclusively contains the specific polyphenols responsible for the many health benefits of cinnamon. These benefits include blood sugar management, subtle weight loss benefits, deceleration of the aging process, enhanced lean body mass, lowering of high blood pressure and absorption and utilization of antioxidants. Cholorogenic Acid essentially retrains your body to more effectively seek out and utilize body white adipose tissue (the undesirable type of fat) stores for energy. It helps regulate blood sugar, lowers high blood pressure, decelerates the aging process, and improves brain fuction and mental clarity. It also contributes to overall healthier blood chemistry. When blood chemistry is improved, virtually every major system and organ in the body benefits. Chromium is known to help regulate glucose and assist the metabolism of glucose on a cellular lever the supplies the body with energy. It is also reported to slow the loss of calcium, help prevent glaucoma and regulate cholesterol. Low chromium levels may contribute to coronary artery disease. Chromium also assists the body in building lean muscle tissue while assisting the body in white adipose tissue. Copper helps the body produce red blood cells thus avoiding anemic conditions. When taken with zinc and magnesium it can also help prevent calcium loss, especially in women during menopause. It may also assist in wound healing and alleviation of arthritic symptoms. Magnesium can help prevent calcium loss when taken with Copper and Zinc. It is also an effective preventative supplement. Magnesium deficiencies may be linked to kidney disease, Crohn’s disease, other digestive ailments. Raspberry ketones are an enzyme extracted from raspberries. This enzyme increases the production of the protein hormone adinopectin. This hormone controls metabolic deviations that could lead to weight gain. When used alone as a weight loss supplement, it has not been shown to be very effective. It is usually combined with stimulants. It is included in TruFix as a complimentary ingredient for metabolism regulation and also for its significant antioxidant benefit. It may also help prevent the buildup of plaque in the arterial walls and may reduce the risk of liver cancer. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It is often used in formulas to fight cancer, heart disease and aging. It has also been used to fight viral infections. Vanadium helps improve the efficacy of the body’s naturally produced insulin. Insulin helps regulate glucose (blood sugar) and neutralizes blood sugar spikes. Zinc is an essential trace element. It boosts the immune system, helps prevent diseases of the eyes and can help tinnitus (ringing in the ears). It also may help individuals with ADHD, osteoporosis and prostate issues. Some athletes use zinc to enhance athletic performance and strength. Truweight & Energy AMP (4-Amino-2-Methylpentane Citrate) is a substance produced in Pouching Tea. It acts as a metabolism “booster” and assists the body in metabolizing fatty tissue. When combined with other ingredients such a nominal amounts of caffeine, bitter orange and Phenylethylamine (PEA) it enhances the body’s ability to shed adipose tissue in a healthy manner without the side effects of jitters or cardiovascular complications. As the body metabolizes excess fat stores a subtle increase in energy is usually experienced. Green tea enriched in Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) shows significant results in helping individuals maintain their weight. Green tea has long shown promise in helping individuals maintain a healthy weight, after significant green tea research it is now believed that the EGCG compound is what contributed to the reduction in weight. There are three hypothesis on how Green Tea EGCG helps in promoting a healthy weight: 1) Increase blood flow – By increasing the blood flow throughout the body, there is increased oxygenation to muscles and thereby increasing caloric demands; 2) When combined with a nominal amount of caffeine allow for increased fat oxidation (Dulloo et al, 1999); and 3) modulating insulin effect – Regulating the signaling of insulin in response to carbohydrate consumption allows one to not be as susceptible to blood sugar spiking (Li et al, 2006). Green Tea is also a rich source of anti-oxidants. Dendrobium is one of fifty of fundamental herbs in traditional medicine. It is found in certain species of the Orchid family. The complexity of the plant is largely attributed to its unique profile of alkaloids, such as: Dendrine, Nobiline, Nobilonine, etc (Dr. Duke Phytochemical Database). Extracts enriched in dendrobium alkaloids show many beneficial effects, including: increased focus, enhanced confidence, and increased energy. Unlike other stimulants these effects are not typically seen with an increase in blood pressure. Because of Dendrobium’s unique properties it is considered to be highly effective when coupled with synephrine (Bitter Orange) and nominal amounts of caffeine in helping individuals obtain their weight loss goals. The combination of Bitter Orange peel and caffeine is a safe alternative to thermogenic products. The active ingredient in Bitter Orange is Synephrine, which is a primary amine similar to ephedrine and phenylethylamine (PEA) (Figure 1). However, in contrast, synephrine shows no negative side effects that eventually limited the sale of ephedra(Stohs et al., 2012). Bitter orange works by increasing the amount of glucose consumption by binding to adrenoreceptors, but at a much lower and healthier Kd than ephedrine (Stohs et al., 2011; Hong et al., 2012; Vinson et al., 2012). One of the active stimulants found in chocolate is Phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA, is an alkaloid commonly found in chocolate that encourages increased release of dopamine, which when consumed in chocolate creates the “Chocolate High”. The euphoric feeling associated with PEA usually lasts between 5-20minutes, but allows for enhanced motivation from the release of dopamine. The increase in mood can often be found to encourage exercise and other activities associated with increased caloric expenditure. Because of the ability to enhance mood and promote exercise, PEA is found in a variety of top selling weight management products. This formula does contain a small amount of Caffeine. The use of caffeine in moderation and in the right application (i.e. the caffeine contained in headache tablets), has a positive effect on one’s body. This formula does not contain a sufficient amount of caffeine to cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. Just enough is used to act as a catalyst in activating other key ingredients in the formula. Piperine, the active ingredient in black pepper, has been patent proven to enhance the absorption of molecules into the body(Majeed et al., 1996). This is critical since many compounds are prematurely metabolized into inactive forms through oral ingestion. Black pepper extract thereby stimulates the active absorption of these compounds into the body allowing for enhanced and sustained effects of the active ingredients. Furthermore, piperine, has been shown to act as a fat burner similar to capsaicin by increasing basal metabolic rates(Diepvens et al., 2007; Hursel and Westerterp-Plantenga, 2010). B-6 helps metabolize fat and is a natural diuretic which helps the body avoid water retention. B-6 also helps maintain blood sugar in a normal range. It can also have a healthful stimulating effect on the thyroid. It is a water soluable vitamin that functions as a co-enzyme, essential in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates and proteins. It also aids in the repair of tissue and cells. B-12 can normalize appetite and give greater levels of energy thus fighting fatigue. It is also known to lessen muscle pain and promote better sleep. It can enhance mood, and combat mild levels of depression. It also contributes to clarity of thought and focus. It contributes to overall motivation to maintain an active life style. The body uses chromium in the digestive process. It helps maintain nominal blood sugar levels. It is also reported to aid in building muscle tissue and burning fat. It may also slow the loss of calcium thus helping to prevent osteoporosis. If a person is not getting enough chromium it may affect eye health and increase the risk of developing high cholesterol levels thus increasing the risk of developing Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Supplementing with chromium may lower triglycerides and total cholesterol levels in people with high blood sugar and diabetics. Heart and Hydration TruVision Health’s Heart & Hydration is an excellent alternative beverage to today’s sugared, carbonated and stimulate-laden beverages. Proper hydration combined with electrolyte replenishment is also of paramount importance. Our Heart & Hydration product services two vitally important needs of the body: Cardiovascular Function – With today’s stress levels, sleep patterns and unhealthy eating behaviors, more and more people are succumbing to cardiovascular disease. Our drink supplies ingredients vital to good heart health. Proper Hydration And Replenishment Of Electrolytes On A Cellular Level-ehydration is a destroyer of proper cell function and affects virtually every major organ and system. Electrolytes are charged particles found in body fluids that help transmit electrical impulses for functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves. Our drink rehydrates and replenishes electrolytes in a healthy way without unhealthy ingredients such as sugar, caffeine or carbonation. CoQ10 is an enzyme found in all cells throughout the body and is essential for the conversion of glucose into cellular energy. However, several reports show that as one ages their levels of CoQ10 decrease and low levels are observed with individuals with many cardiovascular ailments. In this formula, CoQ10 is added to promote cardiovascular health. D-Ribose is the basic building block of our DNA molecules. Evidence suggests that a diet rich in D-Ribose promotes better muscle endurance. Additionally, several scientific reports suggest that D-Ribose may improve blood flow to the heart and allow for increased circulation throughout the body. Calcium is one of the most needed elements in our bodies, including our heart muscle function and rhythm. However, only 20-30% of the calcium we consume through our food is absorbed into our bodies. Di-Calcium Malate is a combination of Malic Acid and Calcium, two natural ingredients, which when conjugated together allows for greater absorption of Calcium into our bodies. Di Potassium Phospate & Potassium Citrate Besides serving as excellent sources for electrolyte replacement, these ingredients help deter the buildup of lactic acid in the body. Lactic acid has the potential to decrease strength and endurance. It assists in the body’s energy metabolism. A sustained sufficient level of electrolytes in the body also helps improve synaptic functions of the brain. Elderberries are used for its antioxidant activity, to lower cholesterol, to improve vision, to boost the immune system, to improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsillitis. Bioflavonoids and other proteins in the juice destroy the ability of cold and flu viruses to infect a cell. Elderberries contain organic pigments, tannin, amino acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, rutin, viburnic acid, vitamin A and B and a large amount of vitamin C. Largely known for its cognitive properties, ginseng has also been reported to aid in several aspects of heart health. Ginseng is thought to attribute to the induction of human cholesterol metabolizing enzymes making one able to properly utilize ones cholesterol. Additionaly, the relaxation properties of ginseng have been reported with several smooth muscle tissue, including the heart.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:23:36 +0000

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