Inner Management It’s refreshing to realize the positive - TopicsExpress


Inner Management It’s refreshing to realize the positive results of revisiting your dream/ vision for your life! Knowing that you have the creative power within you – in terms of developing and creating a personal vision/dream allows you to see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it, allow it and become it….that is the flow to freedom – living life to the fullest – the way it was meant to be! So the success of your inner work requires straight up management. Folks it’s all about inner-management – defined as: the skillful handling of resources…Controlling something successfully. The resources here are spiritual law and the energy of life – this combination of resources is always at your disposal for your use – the only way anyone can get skillful at using spiritual laws like attraction, cause and effect and circulation is by choosing to consciously experiment, implement and benefit from them. Continuing in the line of the definition for management – we can only control our t.f.c. = our own thinking, our various feelings and our daily choices – we become more successful at controlling our own energy of choice making by becoming fully engaged in conscious responsibility and personal accountability for those choices and less and less involved in trying to manipulate, influence or improve other peoples choices !! We are programmed to move energy forward to create, to give, to increase and to love – whenever that infinite intention is blocked, sidetracked or delayed...trouble ensues, new lessons are learned and we move through stages of gain and loss, discovery and recovery. Victory only comes as we train ourselves to manage our own journey through our own active choices anchored in God’s natural design for success = love & highest good!! We are always controlling and managing something - in this case we are either managing failure or success, because in the end we will always be the final decision makers. No matter how weak or powerless you think you might be – the truth is you have all of the power of the universe at your disposal – but only at the level of your honest belief and faith that God is still all that there is!! If you don’t have a vision you can only control and manage the sameness, the status quo, the stuckness and the rancid repetition of redundant results based in ridiculous reminders. When you begin to use spiritual tools in daily living as guides in thought/vision management unlimited doors of success and fulfillment can swing open for anyone who is willing and bold enough to begin to implement changes based in love with loving results as their reward.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:44:09 +0000

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