#Insert 67 ******** BK- I will see you guys later.. Rea- - TopicsExpress


#Insert 67 ******** BK- I will see you guys later.. Rea- Umm, your leaving now.? BK- Yeah.. TK- Sharp boy.. BK- Umm, TK.. (I pulled him away from Rea a bit.) BK- Look after he.. TK- Sure.. (I left.. I got a taxi.) *** REAs POV *** (I was curious to know what he was saying to TK.. I watched him as he walked away, he had a very charming walk.. It was even better than before he couldnt walk.. TK came back from me, I wanted to ask him what they were talking about but..) TK- So I got us some tickets to a concert.. Rea- No.. TK- Yeah.. So Ill pick you up.? Rea- Yeah.. I cant wait.. TK- Do you.. Still love him.? Rea- No and I told you that.. TK- I was just asking.. Rea- Do you like me.? TK- Lol, what do you think.? Rea- I dont know what to think anymore.. TK- I think you already know the answer. Rea- Umm, alright.. (We got some bunny chows and some drinks.. We walked to the park together and it was so fun.. We talked and laughed the whole way.. We chilled at the park, he was so sweet..) Rea- Dont you wish you could fly.? TK- Lol, you want to fly.? Rea- Yeah.. I would stalk you everyday.. TK- Lol, stalk me.? Rea- Yeah.. I would stalk most people.. TK- Oh.. Not just me.? Rea- Most of the time, you.. TK- Lol, You should move back with us.. Rea- You liked having me there.? TK- I love having you around me.. Rea- Really.? TK- Yeah.. You seem suprised.. Rea- No.. I just thought Im annoying.. TK- Thats what I love most about you.. Rea- Your werid.. TK- Yeah.. I know.. Rea- And I like that.. TK- Oh yeah.? Rea- Mm-Hmm.. (He kissed me.. TK is my good kisser.:p. We stopped the kiss and he looked at me, I couldnt help but blush.. I saw BK walk with some girl, and she was really good looking, jealous down.. They looked cute together and I was a bit jealous.. She was that shorts and glasses type.. BK was also wearing glasses and didnt he just look handsome.. I looked back at TK.. He had a cute smile..) TK- Your so cute.. Rea- Your even cuter.. TK- Thanks lady.. (We chilled.. BK and his girl passed, he suited her.. TK and I just chilled, talked so much.. He was a great guy and his smile was pretty.. He walked me home, gave me a hug and left at the gate.. I went inside and watched television.. It was a bit boring and I just couldnt wait for the concert tonight.. My came with Orah.?? Wow, I almost forgot her..) Mom- Look who I bumped into.. Orah- Hey.. Rea- Hy.. Mom- I will leave you two.. (She went upstairs.. I wasnt in the Oratlegile mood..) Orah- Mrs BK.. Rea- Reatlegile.. Orah- You good.? Rea- Yeah. You.? Orah- Yeah.. I missed you.. Rea- Me too.. It has been a long time. Orah- Yeah.. Youv grown up.. Rea- Lol, I have.? Orah- Yeah. Your a lot more pretty now.. Rea- So.. I wasnt this pretty before.? Orah- Not like this.. I guess you bath clean this days.. Rea- Lol, you even alot more clean.. Orah- I missed you girl. Rea- Me too.. Whats happening to us.? Orah- I dont know.. But I know what your talking about.. Rea- We used to be so close.. Orah- Then I took your guy.. Rea- Ah, Tshimo is total history.. Orah- When last did you talk to him.? Rea- I dont know.. It has been a very long time though.. Orah- Me too.. I wonder how he looks now.. Rea- Handsome, thats for sure.. Orah- Lol, yeah.. Rea- You remember when we first saw him.? At the school contest.. Orah- Yeah.. Those glasses looked great on him.. Rea- Yeah.. He is handsome that one.. Orah- But not like Bokamoso.. Rea- You know him.? Orah- Who doesnt.? Rea- I dont know.. Orah- Iv seen him on facebook.. Handsome.. Rea- Orah.. Orah- What.? Rea- Please dont ask him out.. Hes taken.. Orah- Oh no.. I wouldnt do that to you, come on.. Rea- You once did.. Orah- And Im sorry.. Rea- No, I was just saying.. And Bokamoso and I arent together anymore.. Orah- Oh.. You guys broke up.? Rea- Yeah.. A few months back.. Orah- What happened babe.? Rea- I dont know.. Orah- You still love him.? Rea- Umm, I wont get over him completly.. I dont think I ever can.. Orah- You really loved him ey.. Rea- Yeah.. He was and will always be the love of my life.. But Im moving on.. Orah- Oh.. With that Tebza hunkie.? Rea- Lol, no.. His name is Keolebogile.. TK. Orah- Oh.. Thee TK.. Rea- You know him too.? Orah- Yeah.. Were schoolmates.. Rea- Oh.. So, why were you not at the dance.? Orah- I went with my guy to his school.. Rea- Wow.. So, theres a guy.. Orah- Theres always a guy.. Rea- Lol, you.. (Now I am in the mood.. One thing I liked about Orah and I is that we never ran out of topics.. We always had stuff to talk about and laugh.. We got along like a house on fire and I loved that.. Orah was never single, she always had a guy and a different guy everytime I saw her..) Rea- So.. Whos your guy.? Orah- His name is.. Karabo.. Rea- KR.?? Orah- Yeah.. You know him.? Rea- Yeah.. Thats my guy.. Orah- Your.. Rea- Friend guy.. Come on babe.. Orah- I would kill you.. (We laughed.. Oratlegile though.^_^.) #Reh.:).
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:43:14 +0000

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