Instead of the leading men in this war trusting in the God of - TopicsExpress


Instead of the leading men in this war trusting in the God of Israel, and directing their armies to trust in the only One who can deliver them from their enemies, the majority inquire of, and trust in, the prince of devils. Deut. xxxii, 16-22. Said the angel, " How can God prosper such a people? If they would look to, and trust in, him: if they would only come where he could help them, according to his own glory, he would readily do it." I saw that God would not give the Northern army up wholly into the hands of a rebellious people to be utterly destroyed of their enemies. I was referred to Deut. xxxii, 26-30. "I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men: were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our hand is high, and the Lord hath not done all this. For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end! How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?" There are generals in the army who are wholly devoted to do all that they can to stop this dreadful rebellion, and unnatural war. But most of the officers, and leading men, have a selfish purpose of their own to serve. Each is looking for gain from his own quarter, and many of the whole-hearted, true soldiers are faint-hearted and discouraged. They nobly perform their part when in an engagement with the enemy; but the treatment which they receive from their officers is brutal. There are men among the soldiers that have fine feelings, and independence of spirit. They have never been used to mingle with such a degraded class of men as war brings together, and be tyrannized over and abused, and treated as if brutes. It is very hard for them to endure all this. Many officers have brutal passions, and as they are placed in authority they have good opportunity to act out their brutal natures. They tyrannize over those under them as Southern masters tyrannize over their slaves. These things existing will make it difficult to procure men for the army. When generals have been in most terrible conflict, and men have fallen like rain, a reinforcement at the right time would have given them a victory. But some generals care nothing how many lives are lost, and rather than come to the help of those in an engagement, as though their interest were one, they withhold the necessary aid, fearing their brother general would receive the honor of successfully repulsing the enemy. Through envy and jealousy they have even exulted to see the enemy gain the victory and repulse Union men. Southern men possess a hellish spirit in this rebellion; but Northern men are not clear. Many of them possess a selfish jealousy, fearing others will obtain honors, and be exalted above themselves. Oh, how many thousands of lives have been sacrificed on this account. Those of other nations who have conducted war have had but one interest. With a disinterested zeal they have moved on to conquer or die. Leading men in the Revolution acted unitedly, with zeal, and by that means they gained their independence. Now men act like demons, instead of human beings. Satan has, through his angels, communicated to those who were cool, calculating men when left to themselves, and they have given up their judgment and have been led by these lying spirits into very difficult places, where they have met with dreadful slaughter, and have been repulsed. It suits his Satanic majesty well to see slaughter and carnage upon the earth.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:07:33 +0000

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