Interested in any comments. I think as a whole, we lose too many - TopicsExpress


Interested in any comments. I think as a whole, we lose too many MRAs a combination of its my way or the highway or theyre my toys, screw you guys, I am going home. I do think his criticism of Janet Bloomfield are unfair, but something that should be dealt with. I can see how someone would come to that conclusion. This is what i wrote him. +johntheother Assuming you are referring to Janet Bloomfield. She is in a traditional family arrangement, but she is not what i would call a traditionalist, in that she does not think it is a mans duty to protect and provide, she thinks both parties can work out whatever practical arrangement suits them, and she at least says she would step up to the plate and take on different responsibilities as the situation called for it or her partner wanted it. I dont see her as someone who demands traditionalism from either men or women, but as someone who thinks that people should be allowed to choose roles in society they want. Would I accept a fulltime stay at home wife that made me earn all teh money and protect teh household? No, but if two people are comfortable in that role and are not coerced into it, they should be able to, that is what gender freedom is. I am also pretty sure that she does not feel that women should be exempt from the draft and that she supports financial abort, which are very contrary to traditionalist notions. https://youtube/watch?v=pnYH2VGUrbM
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 05:17:38 +0000

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