Interesting take on the Ferguson situation: MSNBC morning host, - TopicsExpress


Interesting take on the Ferguson situation: MSNBC morning host, Joe Scarborough, blasted the media for making a hero out of Michael Brown and unfairly blaming Officer Wilson for the youngsters death. Most curious was Scarboroughs comparison of Michael Browns supporters to those who supported George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case: He also took aim at Brown’s actions and compared support for the 18 year old — who was killed August 9 in Ferguson, Missouri, by former police officer Darren Wilson — to the support some right wingers gave to George Zimmerman, the man who killed Trayvon Martin in 2012. Huh? I read that paragraph four times, and it still doesnt make a bit of sense to me. The only remaining questions I have are: (1) What is really in those cups of coffee that Joe drinks all morning? (2) Was MSNBC really that desperate for a right wing host that they felt compelled to hire an idiot like Joe? However, in the interest of full disclosure: The piece from which the above excerpt was taken was published in The Blaze, a rag that is owned and controlled by Glenn Beck. So, a claim that the source material is somewhat suspect might be regarded as overly deferential.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:24:30 +0000

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