Intern Update: Hey everybody! August has finally rolled around - TopicsExpress


Intern Update: Hey everybody! August has finally rolled around and we, the interns, have been spending the past two months or so in the surrounding neighborhoods hanging out with the kids. The three groups are Monts, Briarwood, and Open Lodge. Monts: The day usually starts out with fun and silly games while we wait for the all of the kids to realize it’s time for Backyard Bible Club! Once we have 10-12 eager and energetic children, we do a craft, eat a snack, and learn the Bible lesson. If you remember from our last post, the theme of our group is the Fruits of the Spirit. Since it’s been really hot lately, the slip and slide and crazy sprinkler we bought have come in handy! The kids love water games a LOT and, somehow, we always have the hose out and spraying. It’s been great to see the kids become more comfortable with us, learning our names and being silly together, all while learning and experiencing all of the Fruits that God wants us to incorporate into our lives. -Madisyn Kuipers Briarwood: Eager kids greeted us at our new backyard this week and we had a new family join us Thursday. Five new kids joined right in with the returning 5, which was a HUGE blessing considering the fact that we had 3 kids the first week. On Thursday, we talked to the new family that moved into the Graveling’s house, they didn’t have any kids that could come to our club, but there was a girl that was going into 7th grade, and she seemed really interested in attending Open Lodge next week, which was super cool. We are excited to see the growth that will continue throughout our ministry in this neighborhood. Please pray for us as we teach these kids about God and continue to show his love to them. Open Lodge: This week we had a lot of fun with the kids at open lodge. We played some fun games and really connected with the kids. On Tuesday we played ga ga ball and a game of survivor. On Thursday we played the Jones family game, four on the couch game, and strobe light tag. On Thursday we ended open lodge with a great Bible Time. The kids had lots of great questions for us. We got into a discussion about what heaven is like and if we can always trust God. It was cool to hear their thoughts. -Sarah Strikwerda
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 11:37:32 +0000

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