Internet Lifestyle Network Million Dollar Day Follow-Up After - TopicsExpress


Internet Lifestyle Network Million Dollar Day Follow-Up After last nights webinar I was zonked. A good zonked though! Man that was crazy awesome and I am still on a high from reading all those comments, hearing everyone’s success stories with their million dollar day, and of course having my face hoisted up beside the likes of all the amazing people from the ILN community! I want everyday to be like that. And honestly I can say, that ever since I’ve started with The Internet Lifestyle Network, they have been. I so want your days to be like that too! I wish I could find the exact words to express just how amazing this #opportunity is! I can make videos all day long and write endless pages of information but it’s all up to you, the reader, to make the decision to go and check it out for yourself. It’s like having the answer to a million peoples questions but not knowing how to get it to them. I hope this gets through to you today. Each of you have so much value inside. Talent and skills that you have that will let you do anything you want in life! And I believe most of you know that already. It’s the #procrastination in your life that’s preventing you from breaking out of that cyclical slumber and becoming exactly the person you want to be living the life you want. Here is a vehicle that will afford you an opportunity to get out of that cycle. => https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/a2877/ It will allow you to become that all star amazing incredible person that is already inside of you. Nothing is unattainable when you have the proper training and this Million Dollar Day is just the beginning of that training. Imagine it all begins with a single day. And YES… it’s that simple. I know… I know. You’re in the same mindset I was three months ago. Life is “tolerable”. I’m “happy” where I’m at. There’s no need to go looking for a new challenge. I don’t feel like starting something I can’t finish. It sounds like work… Who hasn’t had these thoughts? Honestly, I did! All of them. Of course I did. And it’s totally normal. The scary thing would be if didn’t and you just dove in head first into every opportunity that came along that promised you financial freedom with no work and guaranteed you your dream lifestyle. That’s the problem with so many of those empty internet promises. The plain truth is that 99.99% of the crap out there is just that…#crap! It’s no secret that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. It’s really just that simple! Nothing is life is free and you get out of everything exactly what you put into it! This opportunity is no different. What that means is that you can expect to be accountable for your efforts and if you put in the work then return for for your efforts will astonish you! => internetlifestylenetwork/live/home/ It astonishes me and that’s why I’m telling you this. I was that person sitting at home, thinking day after day after day that this… was just how life was supposed to be. I guess since I have a home, and there is food in the fridge, the bills are paid, and my car has gas in the tank, then everything is… fine. So, I suppose I should be happy and grateful for all of that and just go about my daily routine. Boooooring! Then I was diagnosed Then… everything changed. It was because of my illness that I decided to start a blog. And it was because of that blog that I discovered ILN. The Internet Lifestyle Network was just opening it’s doors and I simply stepped through and suddenly… BOOM! If all you do today is watch this video that I made then at least you can see the conviction and the effort I am putting forth in order to share this opportunity. I took it and am now sharing with you. I can tell you that yes, I am dog tired today, and yes I’m sure you are too. But that’s not stopping me. I made the video, all you have to do is watch it And I hope you do. I hope you can see just how much this Million Dollar Day of mine has helped me to wipe the slate clean, stop procrastinating, and focus my efforts where I need to. That’s the different between saying and doing. Take ownership for your life and its current state. Then begin to clean it all up all in one day! If you think you’ve got it all figured out then good for you! However, if you are ready for some serious self improvement and want to garner the esteem of everyone around you and launch yourself, your life, into the stratosphere then click the link below and join all of us at The Internet Lifestyle Network and get started on your Million Dollar Day. => https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/a2877/ Start an entirely new life of #health, #wealth, and #happiness! Love and Respect, Steve Barnes #iln #internetlifestylenetwork
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 18:38:50 +0000

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