~Into the Darkness~ At night, when Im alone in my room, I can - TopicsExpress


~Into the Darkness~ At night, when Im alone in my room, I can feel its eyes on me. At first, I thought I was just crazy, but it happens night after night at my house. I know it is out there, laughing, taunting, watching. It waits for me to slip up, it waits until I am unaware. My room has a window facing a blank field in which the constructions were about to make. At night, when the room light is on , I cant see anything. Anything but darkness, and my reflection in the plexiglass. I have nothing protecting me. Its not always there. It doesnt seem to come out until midnight. Thats when I can feel its presence. Im not sure what it is. I just know it watches. I can hear it, I can feel it, I can smell it. I tried to ignore it and made myself believed that it wasnt real. That was a bad idea. It let me know It was there, that it was real. I could hear the sickly cracking of bone, and the shallow whimpers of some unfortunate animals. Then a distant, but not too far, gnawing sound. Im starting to lose my mind. I told them to come and get me, that I wasnt scared of them. Now I am deathly afraid. What of it watches me through the windows? The windows are beginning to bug me out too. When I get too close, that same chill comes over me. Goosebumps proliferate across my skin. Im scared of going near the windows. Im scared it will see me. My dog bark uncontrollably. Always after midnight, theres that same gnawing. That same sickly cracking of bone. That same foul odor, it reeks of death and earth. It left marks in the glass of the window. Spider web fractures line the lacerations in the window pane. Its taunting me. Maybe it feeds on fear. Maybe I need to be brave. Every horror movie tells me this is a bad idea. But I cant take its taunting any more. Im going mad. BUT Tonight I face it !!! Okay, so I lied. Im still not ballsy enough. I forced my cat outside through my window. I think he senses it too. I felt bad for throwing him outside. But I had to be sure though. That night, I slept with a knife in hand. For some kind of reason it made me feel more secure. It made me feel safe. My cat kept meowing through the window. How meows brought me so much relief! It was after midnight, but the air was normal. I couldnt feel its presence. Not until I heard that scary hunting voice. My cat meowing stopped. My hairs stood erect, a cold sense of fear washed over me. It was there, and it knew I was there. My breaths became shallow, my skin tingled. I braced myself for the worst. I sighed, maybe it really was all in my head. I walked outside expecting to find my cat. I found his necklace. It bobbed in a puddle of blood, and that deathly foul smell was back. I armed myself to the teeth. With a knife in my hand, I followed that foul smell, and that maddening gnawing noise. I stepped into the darkness. Fear had become anger. I would have my vengeance. No matter where I looked, or how far I marched, there was nothing to be found. Just a foul smell and that constant gnawing. I had given up hope. I decided to head back to the house. As I turned back, the house wasnt there. In fact nothing was. I wondered until I found signs of life. Instead, I saw a young woman, she was reading a novel and sipping tea. She cant see me but she could feel my presence. As I got closer, she stopped reading, her head darting back and fourth, she looked scared. I called out to get her attention. But as I began to call for help, all I managed was a gnawing, gnashing sound. She yelled out Whos there!?! I tried to call out again, still no voice, just that sickly gnawing noise. I was scaring her. If my voice wasnt going to work, I had to do something else, so I began breaking sticks and scratching the window glass. She was looking right at me. I waved and shouted, banged, and scratched but her eyes seen past through me. She fled into her house. Now, at night, I sit and I wait, and I watch. Constantly trying to call out to her, desperately trying to get help. I am that scary gnawing taunting voice. #HMH (Based on my nightmare last night)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:01:07 +0000

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