Invading the 2 party system, inventing a world Fair Market - TopicsExpress


Invading the 2 party system, inventing a world Fair Market economy, COSMOPOLITAIN POLITICAL PARTY OF FEEDOM-- Ideology of Party affiliation I am a Fair Market Social Democrat, please join me at, https://facebook/groups/PoliticalFreedom/ Please post your ideas about the type of political party center to left we could construct, to fit globalization. The Social Welfare State and the Fair Market is the best Economic policy to embed in any political system joined with the Democratic form of government. Social Welfare State, consisting of ownership of property is primarily private, government supplements the market place distribution of product and resources, an allocation criterion that grants resources to people in accord with their market value, supplemented by gifts and guaranteed, publicly funded access to some economic resources (Education). Socialism comes with a different set of rules, products and services are delivered based on the needs of people, public ownership of property, and an economic system based on a centralized public controlled system of production and distribution. Social Welfare State and the Fair Market support a combined cooperative action between all members and is not Socialism. Society transforms and strives to establish a democracy that places people’s lives under their own control – a non-racist, classless, feminist social society, where working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public and private agencies; where full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work; education from age 3 to end of life is free, and top medical care is provided to all have the right to form unions, agreements, organize, exchange commerce, fair market trade, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions or demands that stabilize social order and where the production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. I believe social welfare and fair market commerce provided by the state and democracy are one and indivisible. The working class is in a key and central position to fight back against the ruling capitalist class and its power. Social Democracy gains authority from “A Cosmopolitan Hospitality of Reciprocity “ (Moral Assurance). The major force worldwide that can lead the way to a social equality and justice, present day and secure the future of those we will never meet – to a real democracy of social justice for all social contracts and guarantees opportunity to your capability set. The Democratic Social Welfare State fights for progressive changes compatible with a social progress and tolerance of movements that are the guarantee to each person’s by capability set present and future. I support militant working class struggles and electoral action, independent of the capitalist free market exchange controlled party systems, to present social alternatives, a planned way of life in the production of wealth and work designed for building a state whose object is the highest welfare of its people and not merely the profit of a part. I strive for democratic revolutions – radical and fundamental changes in the structure and quality of economic, political, and personal relations – to abolish the power now exercised by the few who control great wealth. A democratic, multi-tendency organization, with structure and practices visible and accessible to all members Join together worldwide and gain the life promise in our capability set just because we are born human, and dignity, education, health, and security has more value than personal wealth. I have only one request if you choose to join me please VOTE and hold those elected accountable. Ideology In general, contemporary social democrats support: * A mixed economy consisting of both private enterprise and publicly owned or subsidized programs of education, health care, child care and related social services for all citizens. * An extensive system of social security (although usually not to the extent advocated by socialists), with the stated goal of counteracting the effects of poverty and insuring the citizens against loss of income following illness, unemployment or retirement. * Government bodies that regulate private enterprise in the interests of workers and consumers by ensuring labor rights (i.e. supporting worker access to trade unions), consumer protections, and fair market competition. * Environmentalism and environmental protection laws; for example, funding for alternative energy resources and laws designed to combat global warming. * A value-added/progressive taxation system to fund government expenditures. * A secular and a socially progressive policy. * Immigration and multiculturalism. * Fair trade over free trade. * A foreign policy supporting the promotion of democracy, the protection of human rights and where possible, effective multilateralism. * Advocacy of social justice, human rights, social rights, civil rights and civil liberties. Social democrats reply along the following lines: * Social democratic policies actually enhance individual rights by raising the standard of living of the great majority of the population, giving equal opportunity in education, increasing social mobility and raising the power of workers and consumers in society as fair market commerce. * The unregulated market that fiscal conservatives advocate is incapable of addressing global poverty and inequality in an equitable way. * Social democracy stabilises economic conditions by providing economic security and health care to individuals and eliminating the threat of extreme poverty. * The argument that social democratic governments spend too much and run up deficits is undermined by the record of conservative administrations (e.g. in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom) which have run up unprecedented deficits. * By restricting some economic rights, social democracy makes the market fairer (for small businesses and consumers, for example). Criticism From The Center-Right The majority of contemporary criticism of social democracy comes from fiscal or social conservatives and classical liberals. Critics advance the following arguments: * The regulations placed on the market by social democracy tend to limit economic efficiency and growth, and impede the creation of wealth that may be needed to alleviate global poverty. * Social democratic programs sometimes entail large government outlays, which can result in sizable budget deficits. * State provision of education, health care, childcare and other services is inefficient, limits individual choice, and requires users to pay more if they opt to use privately-run services. The development of an economic social system to produce surplus goods for a commodity exchange or fair market system economy, where persons could inter into social contracts, purchase goods and service in a supply and demand connecting fair market system to citizens and government. Emphasized the need for the state to ensure the fair market produces results close to its theoretical potential. The state must create a proper legal environment for the economy and maintain a healthy level of competition more than just exchange. Promoted the concept of the social market economy with respect to cultural values and this concept promotes a strong role for the state with respect to the market, which is in many ways different than neoliberal praxis. Capitalistic investment for return of great wealth resulted in the capitalist monopoly control of labor, raw materials, energy, money, and property ownership and increased global debt. Moneys invested to gain social status or, position in society and produce more wealth. Social Welfare State and the Fair Market supports policy that promotes the well-being-of-all that it does deliver on. The Capitalistic ideology also state the well-being-of-all but has no deliver system to promote and cannot because of the Neoliberal Paradigm. Capitalism supports Neoliberal ideology of class separation and control of finance in the hands of the few, it supports capital accumulation by supporting monetary policies that invents new capital of exchange value only. The fair market as part of the Social Welfare State invents innovation that relies of the contribution of citizens and government that does not limit the competition. Capitalism limits competition to control price and force exploration of labor, citizens, environment, resources and weak small government. Corespective Behavior the deployment monopoly control of price and low wage labor, that reduces revenue to local community never to return because profits move to locations separated by distance people to far removed to understand the consequences of their actions. Capitalism supports the deregulation of the labor market produces flexibilization and casualization of labor, greater informal employment, and a considerable increase in industrial accidents and occupational diseases. Fair market protects labor personal safety of the citizens binds them to environments free of toxic destructive policies. Capitalism supports debt to force Trade-led, unregulated economic growth and state regulation of pollution and other environmental impacts economic growth and inequality. Social Welfare State and the Fair Market supports strong government because capitalism promotes continued growth of profits regardless of consequences, investors are to distant and ignore systemic risk and warnings. Capitalism changes economic and government policies to increase the power of corporations and large business, and a shift to benefit the upper classes over the lower classes. , The fair market emphasized the need for the state to ensure that the fair market produces results close to its theoretical potential. Social Welfare State, consisting of ownership of property is primarily private, government supplements the market place distribution of product and resources, an allocation criterion that grants resources to people in accord with their market value, supplemented by gifts and guaranteed, publicly funded access to some economic resources (Education).
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:17:17 +0000

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