“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” I still remember a science - TopicsExpress


“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” I still remember a science fiction movie that I watched in the mid 1950’s entitled “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” The story was about aliens who visited a small town and began to replace humans with duplicates who appeared identical to the person they replaced. These alien replicas, though completely human appearing on the outside, had no emotions or individuality or self-will or conscience but were totally controlled by their alien master. [This could be an explanation for today’s Democrats.] That movie kept me in fear for weeks. I was completely convinced that my sister was one of them. I tried to get my friend, Butch, to help me get rid of her but he chickened out. Though opinion is still divided on whether the movie was a warning about McCarthyism or the infiltration of communism into our government, it is generally recognized as one of the best science fiction movies of all time. After watching the movie for the umpteenth time, it dawned on me that this is very similar to what has happened to fundamental Christianity. It looks the same. It has the outward features, but it is not what it appears. It is an alien and not what it was originally. This movement which began soon after the Civil War and reached its peak by the 1970’s is now largely under the control of “aliens.” It is tragic indeed to observe this decline and departure from the gifted teachers, scholarly founders, and courageous warriors of historic Fundamentalism. At its inception, the focus of Fundamentalism was the defense and promotion of the complete integrity of Scripture. It sought to affirm all that the bible teaches and to oppose all which the Bible condemns. It was commonly held that the Authorized King James version was the preserved word of God for the English speaking world. But alien “body snatchers” have invaded and captured the mind and soul of churches, bible colleges, and fellowships. Many in this generation of “fundamentalist” preachers have brought the movement to little more than a weird and emaciated parody of the original. From a great movement of spiritual giants, Fundamentalism has mutated to a host of mindless and feckless pygmies. These new “pod people” glory in their shame and somehow have convinced themselves that they alone possess the truth and all wisdom dwells with them. General ignorance, ecclesiastical arrogance, and a haughty know-it-all spirit have somehow become a “proof” of “spirituality.” There is a spirit of unholy pride now rampant in Fundamentalism that mocks and ridicules sound and basic theological training. It is what one church historian foresaw as a “vast intellectual wasteland” which threatened the movement Though liberals and neo-evangelicals are still reviled by them for desiring the praise of men more than the favor of God, it is apparently now acceptable to desire the praise of man for the new Fundamentalists. It is disheartening to see their strutting and hear their crowing when some obscure and tiny diploma mill confers an honorary “doctor” title upon these little roosters. Some of them, who barely made it through high-school, are now insistent that “Doctor” be included in every piece of church literature, the church sign, and every letter and phone call. Replacing the former principled scholarly defense and assertion of the inspiration and infallibility of Scripture and the other great doctrines of Christianity, there is now a tumultuous and maniacal exaggeration of froth, foolishness, and heresy in many fundamental churches. Instead of sound biblical exposition, and the constant holding forth of Christ crucified, risen, and coming again there is now an incessant deluge of personal opinion, peripheral issues, character assassination, and man-made rules and “standards.” These new “body snatchers” are more concerned about women wearing “britches” than the gossip, tale-bearing, slander, and lying that is pandemic in our churches. Unbiblical and heretical teaching that claims the “inspiration of the KJV in the same manner as God’s original text” goes unchallenged. The tyranny and absolute rule of petty preachers who will abide no question of their activities, spending, or even legitimate bible interpretation is indicative of the invasion by the new “body snatchers.” These who demand absolute control over every aspect of the member’s life and thinking is unbiblical, un-American, and demonically driven. It is these modern Diotrephes’ who claim the right to determine who is fit or unfit to serve Christ without the need and support of biblical grounds. Is there little wonder that so many of God’s people are frustrated, fearful, confused, and fooled by the Calvinists, charismatics and cults?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:54:16 +0000

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