Invest in your health: WHY EVERYONE NEEDS A PERSONAL TRAINER. Read - TopicsExpress


Invest in your health: WHY EVERYONE NEEDS A PERSONAL TRAINER. Read on team Most people probably wouldn’t cut their own hair, diagnose their own illnesses or fix their own car. They would go to a hairdresser, doctor or mechanic. But when it comes to our health and fitness we seem much more reluctant to go to a professional. You may think personal training is just for the rich and famous, but it really is for everyone who is serious about getting and staying fit and healthy. And with many different packages available, it can be affordable for everyone. So what are some benefits of hiring a trainer? 1) Accountability. How often do you plan a trip to the gym after work, only to find the sofa calling your name at the end of hard day? If you’re paying a personal trainer, you have a set appointment which will force you to make the commitment to go to the gym. And the hardest part is getting yourself through that door. Plenty of people regret skipping workouts but have you ever come away from a great gym session and wished you hadn’t done it? 2) Motivation. A trainer will be your own personal cheerleader, boosting your confidence to help you achieve more than you thought possible. If you’re on your own, you are more likely to stop when the going gets tough, but a trainer will push you to achieve your full potential. You’ll realise you are capable of so much more than you ever dreamed. 3) Better results. A trainer has done extensive study on the human body and knows what will get their clients the best results. They will be able to write you a periodised exercise plan to get you to your goal quicker. And they save you a lot of time as you’re not walking round the gym aimlessly, not knowing what to do. With a trainer, you get in, get the job done and get out. 4) Injury prevention or rehab. I often see people working out in the gym using improper form, which could lead to serious injury. The most effective workouts are done with free weights but it’s easy to get the exercise wrong and hurt yourself. A trainer will be able to watch you at all times and make sure you are doing everything properly. Even if you just work with a trainer for a short time, they can teach you the proper technique so you can go it alone in a safe way. And if you are coming back from an injury, it’s even more important to work with a professional who can prevent you getting injured again and help you build your strength up much more quickly. 5) Access to a professional. A good personal trainer will equip you with knowledge to get healthier. They can help you improve your diet and give you an exercise plan to follow when you’re not working out with them. 6) They keep things interesting. Let’s face it, not everyone enjoys working out and exercise can easily get boring. But a good personal trainer will keep mixing things up, meaning you get more out of the workout and you enjoy it more. They will come equipt with an arsenal of interesting exercises, many of which you may never have seen before. And the more you enjoy it, the more you’ll be wanting to come back for more. 7) Correcting weaknesses. You know those exercises you skip at the gym because you hate them? Well, the reason you hate them is probably because they work your weak areas, so unfortunately that means you should really be doing them more. A trainer will force you to work on those areas so you’ll balance your body which will give you better posture and make your life easier. So I hope this has convinced you that hiring a personal trainer could change your life and that you’re worth it. There are many different options available. Consider joining forces with a friend or your partner. Many personal trainers will offer semi-private sessions which can bring the price down considerably as you share it between two of you. But you still get all the attention that you need.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 02:59:11 +0000

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