Iorliam Shija, Journalism and Politics: Facts and Opinion. As a - TopicsExpress


Iorliam Shija, Journalism and Politics: Facts and Opinion. As a veteran community Journalist of a modest media ethical background whose verbal repertoire in historical development and recountal is bewitchingly versatile, Iorliam Amo ShiJa achieved greatness and honour in no small measure among us, his followers-both young and old. Most especially those of us from Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State where he introduced the first (to the best of my knowledge) published News Paper Kwande Source News. A paper that up to date, I miss its wide range of coverage in remote areas of the LG and facts on issues within the Local Government,Benue State and Nigeria at large. Our esteemed Editor-In-Chief and his paper/journalism carrier surfaced because of his varied and dispassionate reportage which most of us felt was, and still believe is the true business of a genuine journalist.... Journalism and Politics are two different things bound together by an inextricably serviceacibility to each other. Whereas journalism propagates, corrects and directs politics; politics in turn fuels and patronises journalism mostly for selfish aim of the later, and audience satisfaction as well as profit making of the initial. This however, does not in the slightest sense, suggests that journalism is slavery to politics; and it shouldnt be! Irrespective of Iorliam Shijas unprivileged background in his carrier, stood out to prove rightly our thoughts about what journalism should be then. That was then-when Shijas interest in politics was latent and without narrowmindedness. Ever since our esteemed eye opener, Editor-in-Chief declared publicly his support for a particular candidate and party in the Benue 2015 gubernare, Amo Shija has advanced greatly in his carrier, converted and about-faced into a real Nigerian/Benue journalist whose prolific creativity would not only be exhibited in selling out his aspirant and party, but also in mow-downing and prostrating his anti-party! This was not in the nature of the Iorliam Shija in the days of Kwande Source News. Hence, I wish to call on Snr. Iorliam Amo Shija to choose either Public journalism and adhere strictly to its ethics, or a voluntary media aide to his aspirant and party thus, give critics the better position to respond appropriately to his contempo reportage. I Remain Loyal! Blessed Comrade Akade,E.I President, Enlightened Benue Youth Forum.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:41:40 +0000

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