Iran, Sudan, and Libya will together invade Israel Have you - TopicsExpress


Iran, Sudan, and Libya will together invade Israel Have you noticed that they are all fighting in Syria? Ezekiel 38:5 By Craig C. White Ezekiel 38:5 tells us that Iran, Sudan, and Libya will together invade Israel. Would you be alarmed If you saw these armies amassed on the Israel border? Well they are. It just so happens that every nation listed in Ezekiel 38 is fighting right now in Syria!!! They have been there for the past three years. Are you alarmed? I am. Do you think that there is a connection between the battle described in Ezekiel 38 and the war in Syria today? I do! Ezekiel 38 describes a middle eastern invasion into Israel. It is called the battle of Gog and Magog. Most teach that this battle is led by Russia. It is high time to rethink that position. Every nation that is listed in Ezekiel 38 is now fighting in Syria! This battle is led by Turkey!!! The battle of Gog and Magog as described in Ezekiel 38 may begin very soon!!! Gog is the land of modern Turkey. Magog is its leader. Ezekiel 38 describes a Turkish led invasion into Israel. Ezekiel 38:5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Ezekiel 38:5 above describes the armed forces that will join Turkey in its invasion into Israel. Turkey will be joined by Iran (Persia), Ethiopia (The Hebrew name is “Cush” which Includes Sudan), and Libya. Current event! Ezekiel 38:5 describes an event that is happening now! The Free Syrian Army is fighting against Syrian President Bashar Assad and the Syrian army. The Free Syrian Army is advertised as being Syrian freedom fighters, but they aren’t. They are a band of foreign jihadists fighting to install Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Syria. Soldiers from Turkey, Iran, Sudan, and Libya are all fighting in Syria today. The Free Syrian Army is made up of mostly Libyans and is fighting under Turkish leadership! Reports are mixed, but the rebel army fighting against Assad and his Syrian army may consist of some 300,000 troops. Their General is Mahdi al-Harati, commander of Libya’s Tripoli Brigade. The fighters are not Syrians from Damascus or Aleppo but they are imported jihadists. The Syrian people are working to identify and remove the foreign fighters. In the field the vast majority of “freedom fighters” are under Turkish command. The fighters are professionals who fought in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, or Iraq. The largest contingency of the Free Syrian Army is made up of Al Qaeda terrorists from Libya. Add to the mix a few jihadists from Iraq and Jordan and you have the Free Syrian Army. Hezbollah militia from Iran and Sudan are also fighting in Syria against the Free Syrian Army. In Ezekiel 38:6 below, Gomer and Togarmah are people who settled in today’s Turkey. They are joined by “many people” in their invasion into Israel. Eze 38:6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. In Ezekiel 38 Turkey leads the bands from Iran, Sudan, and Libya into Israel. The Turkish army is now conveniently amassed on the Syrian border. It is my contention that the Turkish led Free Syrian Army will destroy Damascus as prophesied in Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27, and then possibly turn south a few miles into Israel. The stage is now set for the battle of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38. This is a situation that the church should be watching. It is High Time to Awake! Find out about this current event for yourself! Please read about the soon coming Turkish led invasion into Israel in my new eBook titled “Halfway to Armageddon”. This is absolutely must read bible study and commentary that you will not find anywhere else! These events are happening now! Don’t be left in the dark. It is High Time to Awake!. amazon/dp/B00BBQH98S
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 03:47:51 +0000

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