Irate granddaughter takes on pest control company and - TopicsExpress


Irate granddaughter takes on pest control company and wins. Grandma was ripped off by a bloody pest control company who was told months ago to not bother her. That if the service was required they would be contacted by her Enduring Power of Attorney. The bloke turned up today saying .... Im here to do the termite inspection. You have an appointment He tapped a few walls sprayed behind her piano then demanded $242 which she paid in cash. Granddaughter ( me ) turns up after working to check in and see if Grandma needs anything at about 120pm Grandma tells me of her busy morning that included a pest control appointment. I immediately say a very direct what the are you sure? Grandma there was no appointment Geeeeeezzzzzuzzzzzzzz.... So....I call the company.. Oh yes I was there this morning You were told months ago when you sent you letter that you would be contacted if it was required. Your grandmother called me after she received a letter yesterday Rubbish, trust me, youll hear from the EPOA and I would think there will be legal action taken for the blatant ripping off of an elderly lady who you were told not to come near. I ranted a few other things and hung up. I wasnt real calm but I was VERY direct as you could imagine. No letter yesterday as I got the records to be checked. Called the EPOA and let her know and sent a copy of the receipt. 20mins later Grandmas phone rings and I answer it. Hello this is Paul from XYZ, Hi yes Well Im sending a cheque to your Grandmother for the full amount Well thank you for your consideration I jumped for joy and and let Grandma know the good news. Called the EPOA a and she hadnt even got around to calling anyone. So my directness and anger at a company ripping my Grandma off had an impact.... RANT.......what the flipping heck to these bastards think they are doing!!!!!!!!! What if I hadnt been caring for her like I do? What if the person didnt have anyone looking out for them? What if the carer had just accepted it? FARK ME! Just reinforces why I have adjusted the life I had to be one that revolves around Grandma and her wellbeing. I wouldnt change a thing as heartbreaking as it is at times.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:11:50 +0000

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