Irish Wedding Traditions and Customs The night before the - TopicsExpress


Irish Wedding Traditions and Customs The night before the wedding, the groom would be invited to the bride’s house, where a cooked goose would be served in his honor. A sunny wedding day meant good luck, and one way to insure it would be a fine day was to place a statue of the Infant of Prague outside the church before the ceremony. The traditional wedding ring is called a claddagh, and depicts two hands holding a heart bearing a crown. The hands represent faith, the heart love, and the crown honor. Bells were thought to keep evil spirits away, so for your exit have your guests ring little wedding bells or use them instead of clinking glasses at the reception. To insure good luck, someone must throw a shoe over the bride’s head as she is leaving the church; just make sure not to hit her. A popular Celtic design is the love knot. It is a pattern created by using continuous, unending lines that intertwine. The design represents eternity, unity, and fidelity and is an important part of the ceremony. A four leaf clover depicts hope, faith, love, and luck. A fun way to incorporate the lucky clover is to include mini pots of shamrocks for décor. enduredesign/
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:22:31 +0000

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