Is America A Christian Nation? As a product of the public - TopicsExpress


Is America A Christian Nation? As a product of the public school system, I wasnt taught the Christian Heritage of Americas founding. Its only been in the last 10 years when Ive heard contradictory statements about things like Separation of Church and State, evil Colonialism, wealthy white landowners, and the Jefferson lies that have motivated me to find the truth. I have had to find credible sources of information that have slowly and gradually restored my faith in God and for the very first time in my life, I am proud of my country. As much as I hate to admit it. Its funny because I was an Air Force brat and I grew up in a good sized Italian/American Catholic family. My mother is a second generation American who grew up in Brooklyn and had an amazing parochial education. We were active in our faith as a family. We lived and traveled in Europe and around the U.S. You would think that I was raised in a fairly pro-American environment. I even attended most of my schooling in a red county in a red state. To be honest, Im not really sure how it happened but culturally I learned all the worst biases about Christianity and I learned very little about American heritage. I remember from a very young age thinking patriotism was silly and wrong-minded. I was led to believe that there is nothing exceptional about America. Im pretty sure that the study of history as a subject in school was boring because it was impersonal and irrelevant. Now I feel just the opposite! The more I learn the more I have to know. And I dont think Im alone. Not at all. I think my experience is pretty typical of many of my contemporaries. As my faith has been restored Ive been paying close attention to when, where and how it has happened. The very best sources of the changes in me have been hearing the truth about our history from people like David and Tim Barton of Wall Builders and reading source documents for myself. I believe Americans have systematically been deprived of the knowledge of our true history. Because our heritage empowers us as the highest lawful authority on earth, subservient only to God our Creator, weve also been deprived of our birthright. In order to restore our proper lawful authority we have to restore faith in our religious heritage. In order to do that, we need to hear the truth. Many people believe that our founders were Atheists, Agnostics, and Deists. Some believe that American jurisprudence was based on the Bible only because we hadnt considered other alternatives. Could this be so? Well, maybe; except that the American Founders did think about it for more than 100 years and reaffirmed it in Supreme Court decisions. Even right up to the turn of the century in Church of the Holy Trinity v. U.S. (1892) they cited 87 different precedents in only 16 pages. No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national because this is a religious people...this is a Christian nation. And they had affirmed that America is a religious nation beginning with the Declaration, the Treaty of Paris, state constitutions, the Federal Constitution, the Founders writings. Of the 55 signers of the Constitution, 29 of them were men of the cloth. In Runkel v. Winemiller (1799) the court said, By our form of Government, the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on the same equal footing. In 1811 People v Ruggles the court concluded, Whatever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government. In 1844 Vidal v. Girard the court asked Why may not the Bible and especially the New read and taught as a divine revelation in the [school]--its general precepts expounded and its glorious principles of morality inculcated?...Where are the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament? and then ruled that the Bible would be used to teach morality. The reason we supposedly must be deprived of our history ironically has been attributed to the First Amendment(1A). The 1A has been turned on its head through the corruption of Jeffersons phrase the wall of separation between Church and State. The real purpose of the wall was to keep the government out of the free exercise of our religious liberty. But if you dont know the your divinity, heritage and history you most likely wont know how to assert your rights. My interest is piqued ESPECIALLY since it took obvious effort to deny students in public schools the truth of their heritage, especially their Christian heritage. It is even more interesting that this effort continues today. When intellectual curiosity drives us back to source documents, to report on them factually, and to share what weve learned with others we are now being targeted with hate. David Bartons son Tim Barton visited Alaska last week and told us that his father is the target of a media blitz. People who apparently hate to hear Truth smear him with three anti-Wall Builder articles every day. That alone makes me a little bit enthusiastic to get the facts out to other people whove been deprived of belief. In 1854 the House Judiciary Committee published a report after a year of study on the question of whether it would be possible to separate Religion from government. Heres the conclusion. Had the people, [the founding fathers] during the Revolution, a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its the time of the adoption of the constitution and its amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, but not any one sect [denomination]. The report continued, in this age, there is no substitute for Christianity...that was the religion of the Founders of the Republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendents. Two months later the House concluded, The great vital and conservative element in our system [the thing that holds our system together] is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine Truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Lets help one another to learn the truth of our heritage...31 so Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 17:52:02 +0000

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