Is Anxiety A Sense Of Fear! Anxiety is, in a sense, fear. Anxiety - TopicsExpress


Is Anxiety A Sense Of Fear! Anxiety is, in a sense, fear. Anxiety isnt necessarily being afraid of anything, but anxiety is the activation of your fight or flight system – the system that is triggered by fear. This is one of the issues that makes anxiety so confusing. You can have anxiety and not be afraid, but anxiety itself is a malfunctioning fight or flight system, so your body is reacting like its afraid. Can being afraid also be a symptom of anxiety? The answer is absolutely yes! How Your Anxiety Causes Fear: If fear is whats causing your anxiety, youre not alone. You may have a fear of public spaces, a fear of spiders, or just a lot of fears throughout your day. Fears do commonly cause anxiety. . But what about anxiety causing you to be afraid? That can happen too. Anxiety causes several changes and symptoms that can actually create fear even when fear wasnt there. Below are just a small sample of the number of ways that anxiety can contribute to being afraid: Symptom Fear – One of the most common reasons that anxiety causes you to be afraid is because anxiety can cause you to fear the symptoms. As soon as your anxiety symptoms occur, you start to experience fear, because the physical symptoms and mental symptoms can be overwhelming. You know that they can control you, so you start to worry about your anxiety, causing you to worry about everything around you. A Direct Symptom – With some disorders, like panic disorder, being afraid is actually a specific symptom, though its not clear why this occurs. Panic disorder causes a feeling of immanent doom, and that doom can lead people to fear whats going to happen next. However, some of this feeling is also from the physical symptoms of anxiety. Associations – Anxiety can also create associations with itself. For example, if you often have anxiety attacks in a mall, then every time youre in the mall you may find yourself experiencing anxiety and you dont even know why. These types of learned associations happen every day, and can cause you to feel fear without necessarily knowing why. On-Edge Feeling – Whether or not anxiety directly creates that feeling of being afraid and on edge isnt clear. But there is some evidence that your mind adapts to the way you feel. So when you have anxiety, and your body starts reacting like youre experiencing a fear response, then your mind may also adapt to that feeling and start to feel fearful as a result of your anxiety symptoms. Neurotransmitter Changes – Finally, we know that anxiety can change hormones and neurotransmitter levels. During times of anxiety, the brain is likely experiencing stress and changes that cause it to be more fearful. If any of this is you.. seek out some help with any counselor to get these feelings under control... Only suggestions, but these suggestions can help you get your life back.. peace and love Rev. Dr. Daniel T. Beattie
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 13:42:46 +0000

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