Is: Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim - TopicsExpress


Is: Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf bin Qusai bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Kab bin Louay bin Ghalib bin Fehr , bin Malik bin Nadar , Ben Kinana bin Khuzaymah , Ben aware Ben Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin contagious bin Adnan [5]. His mother : Fatima Zahra , the daughter of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf bin Qusai bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Kab bin Louay bin Ghalib bin Fehr , bin Malik bin Nadar , Ben Kinana bin Khuzaymah , Ben aware Ben Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin contagious bin Adnan . [5] Birth and upbringing [edit] In the name of God the Merciful Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib al - Hashemi ( Shiite imams ) A painting of Hussein bin Ali The Imam third order when Shiites Nickname Abu Abdullah Date of Birth 3 August 4 Date of death 10 Muharram 61 AH Place of Birth Medina Burial place of Karbala Master of martyrs titles , tribe , master of the youth of Paradise , Rehana Prophet Father of Ali ibn Abi Talib Mother Fatima Zahra , the daughter of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad. Boys Ali , Ali bulk of , Ali smaller , Jafar, Fatima, Sakina Ali Hussein Hassan · · Zine El Abidine sincere · Baqir al-Kadhim · satisfaction · Jawad Hadi Hassan Al-Askari · Mahdi Born Hussein Bin Ali in Medina on 8 January, 626 m , corresponding to the 3 August Year 4 e . [6] and wanted his father to call the war , فسماه grandfather Muhammad bin Abdullah , Hussein, and authorized him in his ear, and called him, and the slaughter of his day the seventh sheep , and the incredible weight of his hair silver. [7 ] [8] had to say about his grandfather Muhammad bin Abdullah : Hussein me and I am him to love God of love Hasina , Hussein tribe of tribes . [9] grew Hussein in the house of prophecy in the city six years and months , where he was the subject of love and compassion from his grandfather Prophet , was often Idaabh and join it and kiss him , and it was like a grandfather Prophet created and created , it is an example of religiosity in the met and piety , and had a lot of fasting and prayer called his generosity and charity, and يجالس needy , Ag twenty-five argument walking. [7] His wives and his sons [edit] He married Hussein of many women , of whom : Night girl buttonhole bin Masood Althagafi a mother Ali the Great, whom Shah Zanan girl Yazdegerd a mother carpets a princess Persian , the daughter of Yazdegerd third last king of the Persians, and psaltery girl Imru Qais Bin Adi , a mother Sakina and Ali smaller Abdallahi infant famous martyr in Kerbala , a mother of Isaac girl Talha bin Obeid - Allah , a mother Fatima. And has had Stholad , four males and two daughters , either female They are : Fatima, a knife . The males are: the biggest , the smallest , Jaafar died in the life of his father, did not comment , his mother Qdaih , Ali and all males were killed in the incident tuff , except Zine El Abidine a Stub male , all Al_husinyin on earth and one son , Ali Bin Al Hussein . [10] [ 11] Hussein at the time of the Prophet Muhammad [ edit ] Hussein platform in the Ashkelon campus Brahimi . Need for more accuracy ] Male of the Prophet Mohammed , he said: « Hassan and Hussein, my sons from love them loved me , and loved me I love God, and love of God enter Paradise, and whoever Ibgdahma Ibgdhana , and Ibgdhana hate God and hate God insert fire » [12] and hurried Prophet interrupt his sermon to Alagaf son next him stumbling Verwah him on the pulpit [ 13 ] all this indicates its status and its role in the nations future . The guardian of the Prophet supreme sponsored Sptih , and that was before his death three days later , he said to him: Father Alrihantin , command you Brihanti of the world, narrated a few Anhd Rknak , God my successor you , and when he was arrested Prophet said to Ali : This is a corner who told me the Messenger of Allah (peace Gods blessings and peace be upon him ) , and when he died Fatima Ali said : this is the second pillar , which told me that the Messenger of Allah [14]. During the reign of Abu Bakr and Umar [edit] Contemporary Hussein -era citys first , and was very young when he died grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad , did not have any role to play in the state of affairs , and what took place at that time of the incidents and events , the transfer of succession to Abu Bakr and Omar. This was not involved in the wars of apostasy and the conquests of Iraq , Syria and Persia, and the conquest of Egypt and North Africa . In the era of Osman [ edit ] Hussein participated in the conquests that were in the era of Uthman , including conquests of Africa in Fustat , Tripoli , [15] as well as participated in open Tabaristan [ 16]. His father entrusted with the task of guarding the Caliph Uthman , in the strife that led to the death of Caliph Uthman bin Affan , and led the task much effort , Othman did not leave the house only after the rebels managed to kill him. In the era of Ali bin Abi Talib [edit] Entered the field of the political life of his father after the election of a successor to the Muslims , and his brother participated in the Battle of the Camel and two rows and NAHRAWAN , but that his father did not authorize them to initiate combat. Wash his father and his shroud after his death at the hands of Abdul Rahman bin mg , and prayed him, then kill the culprit. [17] Prince Hassan bin Ali [ edit ] Hussein shrine in Karbala in the past . Hussein was to help his brother Hassan in بيعته after the death of Commander of the Faithful Ali. And swore allegiance to the people Hassan Khalifa of Muslims in 40 AH / 660 AD , two days after the death of his father , Hassan sent to Muawiyah of allegiance and to engage in the group , but he refused to do so . Hassan did not find him for fighting , and took urges supporters to Trooping , after any number of his supporters gathered . Reached Muawiya experience , Vqsdh his army , and the convergence of upheaval in the position of said to him (House) district of Anbar. Hull Hassan that Iktaatl Muslims , and did not feel the confidence from him, he wrote to Muawiya required conditions for reconciliation , most notably that no Muawiya be entrusted to one after him, and that it be after him shura , and be pleased with Sid, stripped Hassan himself from the succession and handed it to rolling in House sacred e 41 years . Hussein did not see his brother s opinion remained opposed to disembark from the succession , though silent Vdroua to temptation may arise among Muslims. He was on that year in the group . [ 18] [19 ] [20] In the era of rolling [ edit ] After the death of Hassan year 50 AH, I continue to maintain the reign of his brother with Sid did not come out only after receiving more than the judgment. [21] and taking Muawiya pave the way for allegiance of his son Yazid , but Ziad his fathers son and him on Iraq advised Baltmhl and lack of urgency, has been accepted by Muawiya advice Ziad did not declare allegiance only increase after the death of Hassan , and began his efforts to it in preparation for his son in Medina , because it was the first capital of which was pay allegiance to the caliphs. The men of Islam , and relying on them in the adoption and acceptance of Allegiance . When Sid What s determination upon the people of the city by Treat them Marwan ibn al-Hakam . And approval of many on the need to measure is the Caliphate and the Muslims , but when they were offered the name increases differed concerning it , and announced many that they do not accept it, and was the biggest opponents, Hussein bin Ali and Abdullah bin Zubair and Abdul Rahman bin Abu Bakr, Abdullah bin Omar . However, the subtle rolling Foote opportunity المصادمة to it did not force them to pledge . Once Muawiya died and بويع over succession in Rajab 60 AH / 679 AD . Even wrote to the worker over the city Alwaleed bin obstacle to « take Hussein and Abdullah bin Zubair بالبيعة taking seriously is not a license even Abaie . Hussein would with management and to the city in a long story and left the city without pay allegiance over succession, and went to Mecca in a group of his friends and his family . [ 22 ] [23] Reason Hussein exit from more than [ edit ] Hussein did not accept that the Islamic caliphate to turn legacy , and refused to be at the head of Islam Yazid , but he refused to يبايعه did not recognize him. He met newborn Balhasin and asked him to pledge to increase rejected Hussein, while gold Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr to Mecca as a refugee to the House of God . Hussein in the battle of Karbala [edit] Crystal Clear app kdict.png a detailed article : Battle of Karbala Exit to Mecca and determined to go to Kufa [ edit] Imam Hussein Mosque in Cairo , where some think that the head of Hussein there Try more than one way or another to legitimize his inauguration as successor so he sends a message to me and to the city asking to take allegiance of Hussein, who was opposed to the succession over but Hussein refused to pay allegiance to over and left the city secretly to Mecca and staged a sit- out , waiting for the outcome of the events . News arrived Hussein refused to swear allegiance to more than and Aatsamh in Mecca to Kufa which was one of the strongholds of sedition and currents emerged in Kufa believes that the opportunity has come because the succession shall Hussein bin Ali , the grandson of the Messenger of Allah . They agreed to write to the Imam Hussein urging him to come to them, to surrender his command , Abayaoh succession. After receiving many messages from people of Kufa, Hussein decided to explore it so he sent his cousin Muslim bin Aqeel to reveal to him the truth of the matter . When he arrived Muslim to Kufa felt an atmosphere of support for the idea of succession Hussein and strong opposition to the succession of Yazid and according to some sources Shiite , the 18,000 people ( without him before and Otinaalmarkh later) had acknowledged Hussein to be the caliph and his Muslim bin Aqeel send a message to Hussein urging them coming . According to remember the historical sources , that the advent of the House , led by Hussein was at the invitation of the people of Kufa . The owners and relatives and followers of Hussein providing advice to him not to go to the state of Kufa , including Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah bin Omar bin Khattab and Abdullah bin Jaafar bin Abi Talib and Abu Saeed al - Amra bint Abdul Rahman. Conditions in Kufa [ edit ] When she arrived this news to the Umayyad caliph new who immediately isolate and to Kufa, Numan bin Bashir on charges of تساهله with the unrest that threatens the Umayyad state and the Caliph over the inauguration and the last was more severe , named Obeid-Allah ibn Ziyad has threatened the heads of clans and tribes in the region of Kufa, giving them two options , first , to withdraw their support for Hussein , and the second , waiting for the arrival of the army of the Umayyad dynasty to يبيدهم about their fathers reel . The threat of the governor s New effectively began people disperse about envoy Hussein, Muslim bin Aqeel slowly to end up killing bin Aqeel [1] and varied sources in the way of killing some of them talked about delivering the highest Palace emirate and others for dragging in the markets and the other for hitting his neck , and was told it is solid, regardless of these novels , there is a consensus on the murder and not knowing Hussein his death when he emerges from Mecca to Kufa, based on the old message that was received before changing the balance of power in Kufa, has learned Hussein killed Muslim bin Aqeel when he was in Zrud on the way to Iraq. [2] On the way to Kufa [ edit ] Continued Hussein and his forces Palmser to be intercepted by the army Umayyad desert was called tuff and head toward Hussein army of 30,000 fighters led by Omar bin Saad, who was the son of Saad bin Abi Waqas commander of the battle of Qadisiyah, arrived this army Umayyad near the tents Hussein and his followers on Thursday the ninth of the month Muharram. The next day mobilized Omar bin Saad men and horsemen he put on the starboard Army Omar bin pilgrims and Misrth fennel bin with الجوشن and on horses buttonhole bin Qais Forces Hussein is composed of 32 riders and 40 on foot and gave the banner brother Abbas ibn Ali and before the battle begins resorted Army son Ziad to prevent water from Hussein and his family and companions , Vlbthoa days suffer thirst in an atmosphere of extreme desert heat . Citing [ edit ] Crystal Clear app kdict.png a detailed article : Battle of Karbala Panel of the Battle of Karbala in the Brooklyn Museum After he saw Hussein weakness of the people of Kufa and abandoning him as abandoned by the pro- Muslim, and reached Tkhazlhm they denied the books that sent them to Hussein when reminded them out , introduced to Omar bin Saad three solutions : either to return to the place where I accept it, or that go to the gap of the mouths of Islam for jihad in it, or come Yazid in Damascus asks him solutions first , he sent Omar bin Saad Ibn Ziyad addressed this , but the fennel bin with الجوشن refused and insisted ibn Ziyad that Ahoudrōh to Kufa or kill him, he sent bin Ziad Omar bin Saad refusing . [24] However refusal Hussein for delivery , he began throwing army Umayyad يمطرون Hussein and his companions who are no more than about 73 men with a barrage of arrows and hit a lot of owners Hussein then intensified fighting and fought the war and covered the dust around the field and fighting continued hour of the day , and when he was evacuated dust of battle , there was a fifty bits of Hussein owners . The battle continued raging spin in the field of Karbala and Hussein are falling and owners cite one after another attack and continued to crawl towards stayed with Hussein and surrounded them from multiple views . Burn Yazids army tents owners Hussein, Farrah of the remaining owners Hussein and his family Nzlon Army Omar bin Saad and falling one after the other , and in them: and his son Ali the Great, his brothers , Abdullah, Osman, Jafar, Muhammad , the sons of his brother Hassan Abu Bakr al-Qasim, Hassan Muthanna , the son of his sister, Zeinab, Aoun bin Abdullah bin Jafar al-Tayyar , Al- Aqil : Abdullah ibn Muslim, Abdul Rahman ibn Aqil, Jafar bin Aqeel , Muhammad ibn Muslim bin Aqeel , Abdullah bin Aqeel .. Began the final moments of the battle when rode Hussein Bin Ali horse , led by his brother Abbas ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib holder brigade , but Abbas signed a martyr did not remain in the field only Hussein , who suffered an arrow triangle with three people settled arrow in his heart, and began to beat spears and swords raining body Hussein . According to the novel , fennel bin with Jochen he separate header Hussein from his body twelve blow the sword Alagafy and it was on Friday of Ashura in Muharram sixty-one year of immigration and has a 56 - year - old . Were not spared from the killings , but Ali Bin Al Hussein (carpet ) due to the intensification of his illness and his inability to fight , descendants فحفظ his father after him. The outcome of the battle and the martyrdom of Hussein, as such a terrible tragedy bloodied the hearts of Muslims and non-Muslims and shook their feelings all over the world , and stir their emotions toward the house, and was the cause of the many revolts against the Umayyads. Was inspired by a large number of non-Muslim , Hussein revolution , including the late Indian leader Gandhi, the owner of the famous quote ( learned from Hussein how be oppressed فانتصر ) [ allegation is documented since 135 days . Ras Al-Hussein [ edit ] The rock on which the head of Imam Hussein mosque in point, Aleppo. There is disagreement among the Sunnis and the community about where to bury the head of Hussein , are found many opinions , including: [ 25 ] [26] That the head was buried with his body in Karbala , which in terms of the majority of Shiites believe that the head returned with Ms. Sayeda Zeinab to Karbala forty days after his death any day 20 zero- day forty which renews Shiites grief. That the position of the head Baham which by some accounts stating that the Umayyad remained محتفظين head boast about it to visitors until he came to Omar bin Abdul Aziz and decided to bury the head and honoring , as mentioned Golden incidents changed the face of the head gave him a more [27]. there is still primarily to the CNRS day . That the position of head بعسقلان and this view along for a second opinion where the second if true could be a healthy third and fourth . Troy some accounts is the most important Maqrizi that after the entry of the Crusaders to Damascus and the intensification of the Crusades decided Fatimids يبعدوا the head Hussein and Adfunha of safe from the Crusaders , especially after the threat of some Crusaders scavenging leaders grave , Vhmloha the Ashkelon and buried there. That the position of the head in Cairo, which is also an extension of the opinion of the previous tells Maqrizi that the Fatimids decided to carry the head of Ashkelon to Cairo and built him a spectacle big a scene now exists in the neighborhood of Al-Hussein in Cairo , and there is a novel local Egyptians do not have an approved exporter only tales of people wrote Sufis that head came with Hussein Anhishah wife Zanan girl Yazdegerd dubbed in Egypt mother of the boy who fled from Karbala on a horse . [28] That the head Babakaa position the citys opinion disk when the Sunnis to the opinion of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah when asked about the position of the Al - Hussein stressed that all the scenes in Cairo and Ashkelon and Sham false citing some modern narrators of novels and historians such as verse and Manaawi . That the position of the head anonymous as in the novel , said her golden it is strong attribution : said Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yahya bin Hamza : Tell me my father, his father said : Tell me Abu Hamza bin Yazid Hadrami said: I saw a woman of the most beautiful women and Oaklhen said its RIA Incubator increases Ibn Muawiyah , said: amounted to one hundred years old , she said: a man entered the increases, he said: O Commander of the Faithful preach it can you God of Hussein , when he saw vintage face like a jade him smell, said Hamza : I said to her : Ding ثناياه rod ? said : Any and God , and then said Hamza : Its been told me some people that he saw the head Hussein crucified Damascus three days, and told me RIA that the head remained in the coffers of arms until the Crown Solomon succession, he sent him فجيء it has remained a bone white, فجعله in the extraction and shroud and buried in Muslim cemeteries when he entered the draft, asked about the subject of the head Venbashoh and took him , God knows what you had done . [ 27 ] a novel is very weak and conflicting with the belief that the body of the martyr Muslims do not fret . Conversations in the death of Hussein sources of Sunnis and the community [edit] In the name of God the Merciful Allah-eser-green.png This article is part of the series: Islam Sunnis and the Community There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Sunni doctrines [ show ] Pivotal figures [ show ] Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence [show ] Intellectual approaches [show ] Movements and organizations [show ] Wrote Asahah [ show ] See also [ show ] Some of the conversations and powerful correct attribution in the killing of Hussein bin Ali Sunni Muslim sources : [ 29 ] The Messenger of Allah was sitting one day in my house said: I do not come to one , I waited went Hussein heard نشيج Messenger of God crying, Vatalaat If Hussein in his lap and the Prophet wipe his forehead , a cry and I said : God, what I learned while income , he said: The Gabriel was with us in the house , he said: Would you like ? said : in this world , yes , he said: the nation will kill this land of Karbala is said to have handled Jibril of soil Veraha when he inform بحسين the Prophet when he was killed , said : What is the name of this land ? said : Karbala. said: The truth of God and His Messenger , and the scourge of distress , in the novel : Believe Messenger of God, the land and the scourge of distress . [30] Umm Hakim said : The killing Hussein stayed with the sky for days like Commented . [31] Salma : She entered upon Umm Salamah , crying I said: What makes you cry ? She said: I saw the Messenger of Allah - means in a dream - and on his head and beard dirt I said: What you, O Messenger of Allah ? Said : saw the kill Hussein aforementioned . [32] Came Obeid - Allah ibn Ziyad head of Hussein bin Ali , and started in the basin , and started ينكث , said in a classed something , Anas said : was أشبههم the Messenger of Allah , and it was M_khasopa Balosma . [33] Ibn Abbas said : I saw the Messenger of Allah - I mean, in a dream - a half day shaggy dusty with flask in which the blood picked up and Ataatbah them. Said: I said : O Messenger of God, what is this? Said: the blood of Hussein and his companions did not remove follows it since today. [34 ] Umm Salamah that she heard the jinn mourn for Husayn ibn Ali . [35] Hussein s body was near the body of the Messenger of Allah . [36] Not revile graduate nor anyone from his family , a neighbor told us : Did not see to this reprobate kill God - I mean, Hussein Ben Ali - Faramah the God Pkkban in his eyes Aftms Gods sight . [37] What Baham stone was lifted on Hussein were killed except for the blood . [38] Abu such as : what killed Hussein Ben Ali انكسفت the sun Xfah even planets seemed half the day so we thought it is . [39] Abdul-Malik said to me : Which one you informed me any sign was on the killing of Hussein bin Ali ? And he said , I said : does not lift a pebble Beit Bible only found underneath blood عبيط . Abdul-Malik said to me : I am and you in this modern to Qrenan . [40] The killing of Hussein Anthpt roots of militarization when cooked if it is the blood . [41] We were at Khalid bin Arafth on killing of Hussein bin Ali Khaled told us : This is what I heard from the Messenger of Allah You Stbthelon in my family after me . [42] The sons of this - I mean, Hussein - kills the land from the land of Iraq is said to have Karbala it That you Velinzareth saw . [43] I was with Ali River Karbala Famer tree underneath Bar deer took him grip Vhmha then said : cornered this afternoon seventy thousand will enter Paradise without being brought to account . [44] Reinitiated king of the country to deliver on the Prophet in the house of Umm Salamah said : Do not enter us one , came Al-Hussein Bin Ali as he went in , she said Umm Salamah: is Hussein, the Prophet said : Let him and started to mount the neck of the prophet and tampered with and the king considered the king said : Would you like O Muhammad ? He said: God, I love it , he said : The nation kill him if you wish أريتك place. He said his hand Eating a handful of dust I took Umm Salamah with dirt Vsrth in her khimaar And they see that the soil of Karbala . [45] His grace and stature [ edit ] Broom icon.svg This article needs to be trimmed completely re- written or re - write parts of them. ( See the discussion ) Remove this notification after re- writing . Symbol recycling vote.svg Abu Saeed said: The Prophet Muhammad ( Allah bless him and his family) : Hassan and Hussein, leaders of the youth of Paradise [46] , also said : The Hassan and Hussein are Rihanty of the world [47] , and said: Hussein me and I am him to love God of love Hasina , Hassan and Hussein, of the tribes , said : It is love them have loved me - that Hassan and Hussein - the Prophet enters in his prayers even if prostrated came Hussein rode his back and was prolongs prostration فيسأله some of his companions : You , O Messenger of God worship prostration between dorsolateral your Otaltha links so we thought it had something happened or it is revealed to you the prophet says : All this was not , but my son Arthalna the فكرهت that even Ojlh spends his need . The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : It was not a tribal prophet but have been given a seven companions Njaba ministers , and I was given fourteen : Hamza , Jaafar , Ali, Hassan and Hussein , and Abu Bakr, Omar, and Miqdad , and Abdullah bin Masood , Abu Dhar , Hudhaifah , Salman , Ammar , Bilal . [48] The Muslims do not agree in something Katvagahm on the virtue of the household and high chiefs, scientific and spiritual , and Antoaúhm on a set الكمالات that God wants humanity to demonstrate . In the name of God the Merciful Shiites From his words [ edit ] Rashid.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 10:43:02 +0000

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