Is There Anybody Listening? Queensryche has always been a - TopicsExpress


Is There Anybody Listening? Queensryche has always been a favorite band of mine. I remember my first Queensryche concert – the energy of the crowd and the amazing vocal range of Geoff Tate, clearly not aided by studio enhancement. I was absolutely stunned, by his ability to make every note he hit – high or low – seem as simple as speech. As a singer, myself, I am aware of the innate talent or complex training involved and/or required to possess such a wide vocal range. There is no strain, in that man’s voice (live or via recording) and any singer worth their salt knows that fact points to pure talent. Why am I championing Geoff Tate? Well, because I have heard nothing but complaints about the man, and since many of us have never had the privilege of actually meeting and/or speaking with him, long enough to form real, fact- or experience-based opinions, I thought it was time to remind people of the reason we all came to know his name, in the first place. Of course, there are those who will say, “Even his own band doesn’t like him.” Ok. Maybe you have a point, there. However, as one who has been distorted, by many an ex-boyfriend and a few outgrown friends, I can vouch for the possibility that even that divorce (of sorts) and it’s story has more than one side. It’s also important to note, when a negative reputation (earned or otherwise) precedes the actual physical presence of a human being, we tend to search for that which validates what we think we already know. Regardless of the truth, the man is beyond talented. Now, let me stop, there, to make yet another (and seemingly contradictory) point: Talent is never enough. Just last night, in fact, that point was proven, by a well-known and once locally-loved garage rock band, Supersuckers. Self-proclaimed to be “The Greatest Rock-n-Roll Band in the World,” this band has gained many fans, over a few decades, and has recorded alongside Willie Nelson, Eddie Vedder and The Breeders. Before last night, if I had asked a group of Lubbockians, “Which do you prefer: Geoff Tate or Supersuckers?” The answer would have been an obvious and resounding, “Supsersuckers!” However, Backstage hosted a Supersuckers show, last night, co-headlined by Nashville Pussy, and locally supported by Johnny Handgun (a personal local favorite) and Pickled Punk Side Show (originally Amarillo-based). This show was requested and anxiously anticipated, by many SS fans (although the actual turnout proved otherwise – a story for another post) who claimed Supersuckers as their all-time favorite band. None were more excited than the members of the local openers/direct support acts. The opportunity to open for one of your favorite bands is a rare one, because many bands bring their own support, and those who do not, require recordings or video submission for band management approval. This often limits local bands’ opportunities to share the stage with infamous, beloved bands. The exception made, last night, was one which resulted in many individual expressions of pure enthusiasm and gratitude, until Supersuckers revealed quite possibly the unwitting origin of their name. It seems that SS management, as well as members, were not only unjustifiably rude to opening and direct support band members, but also to fans. One report made by witnesses to this awesome display of douchebaggery states the guitar player for SS actually boasted (to a fan) the only reason he was in this city is because he was getting paid to do so, and would not be here, otherwise. Now, to play Devil’s advocate: There are many Lubbockians, who post (daily) about their disdain for the Hub City. I am constantly inundated with negativity, regarding the city of Lubbock. Honestly, to hear people complain about Lubbock is to be in Lubbock. It seems to come with the territory. In fact, the city slogan should likely be, “The Most Hated City You’ll Ever Love.” However, our cities are like our mothers. Only WE can bash them. If you are not from here, do not live here and/or (more importantly) are (in fact) being paid to appear, here, it is absolutely unacceptable for you to trash-talk our city! In fact, it is a guarantee you’ll not only never be asked to return (which may not be much of a threat, considering the obvious negative attitude toward the place) but you will also lose a large number of once-adoring fans, who now loathe you, Texas-style (which equates to “big time,” and then some). This is a perfect (yet unfortunate) example of my statement: Talent is never enough. Attitude, gratitude, accountability, responsibility, consideration and humility play far more important roles, when it comes to success. It is quite possibly the reason Jack White (who played a show, just the night before, at Wild West) received nothing but love and positive response, from fans and would-be critics, alike. Jack White expressed respect for not only Lubbock, but Buddy Holly (the justification for hand-picking this city, as his only Texas solo show date) and the West Texas landscape, as well. Prior to the show, I had actually made the comment, “Jack White would likely love West Texas, with regard to the vast expansion of land, big sky and wondrous sunsets/rises.” It seems, according to what he shared, he did (in fact) find the same romantic quality, in the flat, never-ending landscape, as many of us do, and he was kind enough to point that out, while strumming an intro to yet another poetic and powerful song. He dedicated a tune to Buddy Holly. He spoke of the fathers and mothers of music, who came before us (implying the same gratitude we all owe to Buddy). What many may not know… He visited the Buddy Holly Center and Buddy Holly’s grave (kids in tow) to tour the history and pay respect, to one of the fathers of rock and roll. He was humble and grateful, respectful and considerate, and that is why we love Jack White, even more, today, than we did, prior to his show. The same cannot be said for Supersuckers, who had a large number of West Texas fans, prior to last night’s show, but lost the same number, as of last night, and possibly more, considering the speed of travel negative feedback tends to take and the attention it commands. Imagine if Jack White had behaved the same way… We would likely be complaining about his management’s audacity to try to be the boss of us, by instructing us to put away our phones. We would probably give him nicknames – “Jack Off,” or something to that effect. Most of us would have simply walked out, after booing our disapproval and disgust. Instead, we praised the show, the man and his talent, searched for more reasons to love him and joyously reminisced about the show, regardless of the thick cigarette smoke, lack of space or seating, line of sight interruptions and less-than-ample acoustics, experienced at the venue. What does any of this have to do with Geoff Tate? Well, two things – Talent is never enough (a lesson Geoff possibly has yet to learn) and reputation (earned or otherwise) precedes you and people tend to look for that which validates said reputation. For instance, I listen to Hair Nation (quite often) on SiriusXM. Keith Roth (veteran rock musician and Hair Nation DJ) made a statement, not long ago, about Geoff Tate. Because I am a huge Queensryche fan (regardless of the negativity surrounding Geoff) and listen to Operation Mind Crime, at least once a day (it’s like a vitamin) I wanted to research the origin of his comments. Keith had stated he saw a post about Geoff Tate (link to follow) regarding his attitude toward metal. Keith stated (not verbatim) Geoff was on “another rant,” (which Keith claimed was one of many) this time, about metal, and attempted to make a summation about the post, stating (again, not verbatim) “Geoff says it’s really tough for him, because he’s a metal star, and metal limits his abilities.” Keith went on to scoff and criticize Geoff, saying (nope. Still not verbatim) “Sometimes I just want to shake Geoff Tate, and say, YOU ARE A ROCK STAR, MAN!! Get over it!! Life is pretty good for you!” I went online, to read this negatively- (and clearly not Keith-approved) referenced post, made by Geoff Tate, and it stated (verbatim) “The way I feel about metal is I just dont like genres in the first place. I think genres are limiting and are kind of like wearing handcuffs for a person whos a writer or who is creative, because that means there is this box that you have to conform to. Like I said earlier, Chris and I were never interested in being confined by other peoples vision. Our vision was the one we wanted to explore in, and I think thats a very healthy place to be. Metal, as a genre, is incredibly limiting — it explores a very few emotions, angst and violence being predominant. Once youve written from that point of view, theres only so many other ways that you can fashion and write music in order to express yourself. Thats what Ive always been interested in, is exploring all those different facets and all those different emotions of humanity through music. We just didnt feel it was necessary to only spend time creatively exploring anger and violence. [laughs] Read more at Now, forgive me, if I am wrong, but isn’t that true? I mean, genres are simply labels, placed on bands and/or musicians, which pigeonhole them into limitations. For true artists, this can be very frustrating. It limits not only the artists’ ability to create, freely and without stipulations, but also limits potential fans and followers of the work. As creator and director of Threads Locks & Rock, I experience this frustration, all the time. People are constantly wanting a concrete description of the show, and too many times, it is insultingly described, as a fashion show. This not only demeans the actual art and point of the show, but it limits the potential sponsorship interest, media attention and fan base. It seems to me, Geoff Tate is merely expressing a fact, regarding the same frustration, in reference to being labeled, as a metal band. Anyone who has actually listened to or witnessed Geoff Tate is aware his music and stylings clearly cross into classical and opera influences. Those who have never heard him, and have no tolerance for metal music, will likely never learn that fact or appreciate him, for his impressive vocal range, simply because Queensryche is classified as metal. I don’t see anything disrespectful, victimizing or douchey about his statement, regarding that fact. I do, though, see how Keith Roth possibly should have made note (as I did) about his summation being nowhere near verbatim. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and it is quite possible (given Keith’s accolades) he has actually formed his opinion, through direct contact, observation and experience. However, as I stated, earlier… We, as human beings, tend to search for that which validates what we already think we know. If you think Geoff Tate is a douchebag (regardless of how that thought came to be) anything he does or says, from that point of thinking, forward, will be subject to distortion and ridicule. I just find it interesting, the man who gave us Silent Lucidity, and won the hearts of many (who had never listened to and to this day don’t know of Operation Mind Crime) non-metal fans has suddenly hit such a wall, when trying to reconnect with the black souls (joking) of metal heads and rockers, nationwide. All I know is this: Geoff Tate never once slammed Lubbock, when he hit the stage. In fact, he thanked the crowd for being “the best crowd he’d ever known,” raised his hands to everyone and graciously performed. He has talent, gratitude and shows respect, where respect is due. It may be that many have not deserved that respect, and like me, he is not afraid to express that. One thing is clear, the man has brains and the ability to communicate his intellectual thoughts. It may be that his big words have gone too far over some small metal heads, and caused a bit of a “he thinks he’s so smart” response. I don’t honestly know the origin of the hatred, but I know I still have love for the guy, regardless. Feel free to share your opinions and experiences (if you have them). I always love to hear your thoughts…and please, feel free to research the guy (if you don’t know of him) and the controversy (including his account). Knowledge (after all) is power. Second-hand knowledge, however, is like second-hand smoke. It kills.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 18:38:36 +0000

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