Is anyone else out there afraid? I know I am. Scared to death of - TopicsExpress


Is anyone else out there afraid? I know I am. Scared to death of what I believe is the inevitable. I never thought I would see the pure evil that is happening right now in our world. It is easier to turn off the news and newsfeed and stick your head in the sand but that doesnt make it go away. What can we do? How do we turn the tide? I am afraid for what my children will go through. What all of us will go through if the evil that is in the Middle East comes to our homeland. I believe its already here, and just waiting to strike. Can we fight it? Are we strong enough? Will our government fight it or are we on our own? If you know me at all, you know Im a believer. And I pray. Every night. For His children all over the world. And for the leaders of our country. That they might be led by Him to do what is right and just. To protect our country from the evil that is waiting on our doorsteps. Im sorry if you think that Im being negative or sounding extreme or crazy...but I believe my feelings are founded in truth. The bible says we will face this impending doom. Are you ready? I know Im not. Ive got a lot of work to do. Tonight I will pray for me too. Prayers that I can get my life right and be an example and light for others to do the same. I know I have friends who are non-believers. But if its ok, Ill pray for you as well. For strength, peace, and knowledge. That youll be armed with discernment. To seek the truth and find it. Whatever that may be. God bless you all tonight. And please, even if you dont pray...send good thoughts and wishes to those who are suffering tonight, and every moment of their lives, at the hand of evil. They are living in hell on this earth. We may very well be tomorrow. I love you all.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:02:53 +0000

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