Is anyone remembering to ask God to heal me? Did Job have - TopicsExpress


Is anyone remembering to ask God to heal me? Did Job have anything to learn from his plight? I have sought God to show me if there is some lesson to learn, some sin I have hidden away or do not recognize. Is there something I need to do. I have an aversion to testimonies when it seems former sins are being glorified. Its like people just want you to know they used to be cool. Sin aint cool. I think if God put our sins into the sea of forgetfulness then why do people talk about the details of how they used to live. There are times, one on one, when I think someone may need to know someone else did the same stuff and that God has forgiven the other person and will forgive them also. As for me - I was saved when I was five years old. That means everything every sin I committed happened with me being a believer. I had read my Bible twice through as a child and I definitely understood what I had read but I didnt know anyone else who was living it, since my family did not attend church. I read the entire Bible again when I was 23. God showed me immediate full fellowship, restoration of the completeness of my soul and spirit. Privately in the living room of my little rental trailer, pregnant with my first child JOY of GOD filled my soul. I asked Him to help me love everyone and to see people through His eyes. He did that. The first time I thought about the woman who captured my 2nd husbands heart, whom I found naked in my bed with my husband, my heart filled with live and compassion for her. Prior to that I wanted very much to totally destroy her. I called her to apologize for hating her (this phone call was important because she knew I actively hated her). I told her about Jesus. Well it turns out that even though she and I sat in the same Sunday School classroom for three years, she did not know Jesus. I prayed the sinners prayer for her. She said no. I asked God to forgive me of everything ever so I could be totally set free of anything. God took me on a journey through my childhood and I understood it all. People I loved had raised me and handled their lives the best they knew how to do. He showed me how they were people who didnt quite know the truth and I sae them through His eyes. Then as I forgave them for different things I knew I had to tell all of them how God had set me free through Jesus! Wow!! Wow Wow! Did God ever use me to stir up my family over the next number of years! Quite a few prayed the sinners prayer with me ... eventually. But not until after I was ostricized, told to cool it, and other shut up & leave us alone stuff. So , what have I needed to learn or relearn through getting thrown into 17 years of gradually increasing knee pain - not even realizing my knees were being destroyed. Ending up needing a wheelchair and then being diagnosed with an incureable chronic degenerative diseasr (Parkinsons). What did I need to learn or relearn.? Or is this something I go through for the glory and honor of God the Father. I PRAISE AND THANK GOD THE FATHER THROUGH HIS SON JESUS CHRIST FOR HE IS GOOD AND MIGHTY TO SAVE. His arm is not shortened that He cannot complete what He said He will do. All prophecy will be completed. He does listen to our prayers and He does care about the big and small details of our lives. I am sticking with Jesus - He has the words of eternal life and I am going with HIM.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 01:02:28 +0000

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